givkashiArticle Review on ‘Supervised deep learning for content-aware image retargeting with Fourier…Image retargeting aims to alter the size of the image with attention to the contents.May 14
InThe StartupbySik-Ho Tsang[Paper] 3D-CNN+LSTM: Deep Neural Networks for No-Reference (Video Quality Assessment)Outperforms Pure 3D-CNN, FRIQUEE, V-CORNIA, and V-BLIINDSOct 25, 20201
AmrepinspectCracking the Code: Understanding the Supplier Quality IndexIn the world of business, an entrepreneur embarks on a journey to enhance the quality of supplier relationships. Exploring the Supplier…Jan 12Jan 12
InTowards Data SciencebyYusuf SarıgözMetric Learning for Anomaly DetectionHow to use metric learning to detect anomalies: quality assessment of coffee beans with just 200 labelled samplesMay 17, 2022May 17, 2022
InTech BlogbyHadi FadlallahContextualizing Quality: A Journey from Data to Personal AssessmentMy doctoral research delved into ‘Context-Aware Big Data Quality Assessment’. In essence, it uncovered the profound impact of context on…Jan 10Jan 10
givkashiArticle Review on ‘Supervised deep learning for content-aware image retargeting with Fourier…Image retargeting aims to alter the size of the image with attention to the contents.May 14
InThe StartupbySik-Ho Tsang[Paper] 3D-CNN+LSTM: Deep Neural Networks for No-Reference (Video Quality Assessment)Outperforms Pure 3D-CNN, FRIQUEE, V-CORNIA, and V-BLIINDSOct 25, 20201
AmrepinspectCracking the Code: Understanding the Supplier Quality IndexIn the world of business, an entrepreneur embarks on a journey to enhance the quality of supplier relationships. Exploring the Supplier…Jan 12
InTowards Data SciencebyYusuf SarıgözMetric Learning for Anomaly DetectionHow to use metric learning to detect anomalies: quality assessment of coffee beans with just 200 labelled samplesMay 17, 2022
InTech BlogbyHadi FadlallahContextualizing Quality: A Journey from Data to Personal AssessmentMy doctoral research delved into ‘Context-Aware Big Data Quality Assessment’. In essence, it uncovered the profound impact of context on…Jan 10
Sik-Ho TsangReview — F-RNN: No-Reference Video Quality Assessment using Recurrent Neural NetworksF-RNN, Combining Frame-Level Features Using RNN for NR-VQAJul 10, 2021
InILLUMINATION’S MIRRORbySajitha PathiranaWith this never miss to update you existing automated tests.We always talk about test automation is the solution to deliver products faster. Do you think so?Jun 29, 20231
Sik-Ho Tsang[Paper] DeepCNN: Deep CNN for IQA (Image Quality Assessment)Outperforms SOTA Approaches Such As IQA-CNNOct 31, 2020