Arjun AgarwalRealme launched the Realme 8s In India. Check out the Specs!Realme is on a roll with their recent launches in the country. The brand launched their two latest smartphones namely, realme 8i and realme…Sep 11, 2021
Ishaan BakshiRealme 8S 5G launching today…!Realme 8S is all set to officially launch today, September 9, in the Indian market. As everyone gears up for the much anticipated…Sep 9, 2021
VenuRealme 8 vs Redmi Note 10S Full Comparison, Camera, Display & MoreToday we are going to see the comparison of two devices that give competition in the market to each other; these two devices come under the…May 18, 2021May 18, 2021
Ishaan BakshiWhat makes the Realme 8 worth buying?The Realme 8 was released as a mid-range gaming phone and it’s not only limited to that. The Realme 8 is actually a pretty versatile…Apr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021
Arjun AgarwalRealme 8 vs Realme 8 ProFor a starting price of ₹14,999 and ₹17,999 Realme has brought in two devices and their variants that update the 8 series for 2021 and…Apr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021
Arjun AgarwalRealme launched the Realme 8s In India. Check out the Specs!Realme is on a roll with their recent launches in the country. The brand launched their two latest smartphones namely, realme 8i and realme…Sep 11, 2021
Ishaan BakshiRealme 8S 5G launching today…!Realme 8S is all set to officially launch today, September 9, in the Indian market. As everyone gears up for the much anticipated…Sep 9, 2021
VenuRealme 8 vs Redmi Note 10S Full Comparison, Camera, Display & MoreToday we are going to see the comparison of two devices that give competition in the market to each other; these two devices come under the…May 18, 2021
Ishaan BakshiWhat makes the Realme 8 worth buying?The Realme 8 was released as a mid-range gaming phone and it’s not only limited to that. The Realme 8 is actually a pretty versatile…Apr 15, 2021
Arjun AgarwalRealme 8 vs Realme 8 ProFor a starting price of ₹14,999 and ₹17,999 Realme has brought in two devices and their variants that update the 8 series for 2021 and…Apr 15, 2021
Arjun AgarwalRealme 8 and its Camera Setup!Realme 8 comes equipped with a quad-rear camera setup of 64MP primary sensor+ 8MP ultra-wide angle lens + 2MP macro lens + 2MP B&W lens…Apr 7, 2021
Ishaan BakshiGaming champ: Realme 8The Realme 8 is a lot of things, but most importantly it is an excellent choice of smartphone to indulge in some heavy gaming. The Realme…Apr 7, 2021
Arjun AgarwalGame, Set, Match with the Realme 8!The brand launched the Realme 8 smartphone recently into the market and the phone flaunts an impressive set of features and specifications…Apr 1, 2021