InThe ViragobyJennifer Lily MarieOverthinking Sex: My Favorite Post-Purity Culture KinkAll I wanted was shame-free sex. Am I doing it right?Dec 17, 20244
InAdoptere: Auditing the NarrativebyMelissa CorriganHow You Used Christianity to Silence MeFrom abuse to freedom and my complicated relationship with spirituality. *TW: mention of physical and sexual abuse*Sep 3, 202336
InMetamorphosisbyJulie FerwerdaI Once Was Lost But Now I AM FoundI’ve spent the last 3.5 years of my life feeling lost. Lost, in the sense of feeling very alone in a perceived experience of isolation that…May 20, 2023May 20, 2023
Brian TubbsWhen Deconstruction Becomes DogmaThe new fundamentalists aren’t on the rightNov 27, 20245Nov 27, 20245
Jackie SchuldThe Perfect Book for Someone in the Middle of Religious Deconstruction: EducatedI originally read “Educated” by Tara Westover because it was on one of Bill Gate’s reading lists. He has fantastic reading lists that…Feb 6, 20231Feb 6, 20231
InThe ViragobyJennifer Lily MarieOverthinking Sex: My Favorite Post-Purity Culture KinkAll I wanted was shame-free sex. Am I doing it right?Dec 17, 20244
InAdoptere: Auditing the NarrativebyMelissa CorriganHow You Used Christianity to Silence MeFrom abuse to freedom and my complicated relationship with spirituality. *TW: mention of physical and sexual abuse*Sep 3, 202336
InMetamorphosisbyJulie FerwerdaI Once Was Lost But Now I AM FoundI’ve spent the last 3.5 years of my life feeling lost. Lost, in the sense of feeling very alone in a perceived experience of isolation that…May 20, 2023
Jackie SchuldThe Perfect Book for Someone in the Middle of Religious Deconstruction: EducatedI originally read “Educated” by Tara Westover because it was on one of Bill Gate’s reading lists. He has fantastic reading lists that…Feb 6, 20231
CandySinsThe Geometry of RebellionThe body, my body, once a brittle artifact, now hums with life — pigeon-winged, spiraling, unashamed. To breathe is to inscribe rebellion…Oct 24, 2024
InMetamorphosisbyJulie FerwerdaWhat if I Get Lost?Credit: 14, 2023
Jackie SchuldHow Being Good Made Me the Worst MissionaryIn my efforts to be good, I destroyed those around me.Sep 27, 2024