InThe JunctionbyWendy Van CampSciFaiKu — The Last JourneyAfter seven years of service, the supercomputer “MIRA” performed one last simulation of our universe. This scifaiku poetry series…Sep 1, 20223
Wendy Van CampSciFaiKu — Warp DriveInspired by television’s classic “Star Trek”, Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre Moya discovered a mathematical basis for a…Mar 1, 2023Mar 1, 2023
Wendy Van CampSciFaiKu — MagnetotailWithin the “Magnetotail” of an artificial magnetic-field encompassing Mars, the planet would terraform into a home for humanity.Jan 23, 2023Jan 23, 2023
InThe JunctionbyWendy Van CampSciFaiKu — The Last JourneyAfter seven years of service, the supercomputer “MIRA” performed one last simulation of our universe. This scifaiku poetry series…Sep 1, 20223
Wendy Van CampSciFaiKu — Warp DriveInspired by television’s classic “Star Trek”, Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre Moya discovered a mathematical basis for a…Mar 1, 2023
Wendy Van CampSciFaiKu — MagnetotailWithin the “Magnetotail” of an artificial magnetic-field encompassing Mars, the planet would terraform into a home for humanity.Jan 23, 2023
InHaikuPrajnabyAllen W. McLean#HAIKUPRAJNA — Review: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington IrvingHymned psalms by moonlight,\ and the galloping of hooves.\ Heedless desire.Apr 24, 2022