Jonathan Stephen Harry RileyWhy is Scottish Independence A FantasyScottish National Party (SNP) has been active since 1934 and campaigning for independence.Jan 151
Little Red Book ClubScotland’s Failed Little EmpireWhile nationalists point to the wider British empire to make Scotland innocent, or at worst a victim of colonialism, the truth is Scotland…Feb 10
Mike SmallFor a Scottish RepublicJust when you think nothing will ever change, and the dark nights and the short days of Midwinter encourage you to despair, a glimmer of…Jan 2Jan 2
Mòrag LeeScots and Gaelic aren’t Yes languages — here’s why.The Scots language and Scottish Gaelic are both experiencing a bit of a revival right now. Maybe not on a large or systematic scale, but…Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
Mike Small2024, the Year that Wasn’tAs a year of turmoil carnage and absurdity grinds to a close, things may seem less clear than ever. The situation in Damascus, Paris, and…Dec 11, 2024Dec 11, 2024
Jonathan Stephen Harry RileyWhy is Scottish Independence A FantasyScottish National Party (SNP) has been active since 1934 and campaigning for independence.Jan 151
Little Red Book ClubScotland’s Failed Little EmpireWhile nationalists point to the wider British empire to make Scotland innocent, or at worst a victim of colonialism, the truth is Scotland…Feb 10
Mike SmallFor a Scottish RepublicJust when you think nothing will ever change, and the dark nights and the short days of Midwinter encourage you to despair, a glimmer of…Jan 2
Mòrag LeeScots and Gaelic aren’t Yes languages — here’s why.The Scots language and Scottish Gaelic are both experiencing a bit of a revival right now. Maybe not on a large or systematic scale, but…Apr 4, 2021
Mike Small2024, the Year that Wasn’tAs a year of turmoil carnage and absurdity grinds to a close, things may seem less clear than ever. The situation in Damascus, Paris, and…Dec 11, 2024
Stan SchwartzThe Scottish Debate and Memories of Lady Maclean at Duart CastleNote: This beautiful story was authored several years ago by Harvey Blumenthal, MD, with whom I toured Scotland in 1995. I publish it here…Jul 9, 20241
Mike SmallScotland and the Black SwanOn Saturday Jim Sillars posted a tribute to Alex Salmond saying “Make Alex’s death a call to unity … Recognise that a divided movement…Dec 2, 2024
Benjamin VincentUnlocking the Secrets of Modern Monetary Theory: learning from a new Scottish currencyHow a newly independent Scotland could create a new currency, from the perspective of modern monetary theory.Apr 2, 2023