JasmineTo Toledo or Segovia?Both Toledo and Segovia are near Madrid and day-trip cities that are often recommended. If you go on TripAdvisor, you’ll see that there are…Nov 18, 20171
InILLUMINATIONbyAnthony WongAnthony’s Exchange Life in Spain — SegoviaThis is Segovia! Let’s start the travel journey! ❤Oct 11, 2023Oct 11, 2023
Ashwina DMy 5 favourite day trips from MadridYour escape from the busy city bustle to these fairy-tale places is just one hour away!Jul 4, 20231Jul 4, 20231
Laurie LeikerMe Amo MadridAfter the convention in Lisbon Julie and I attended, we booked a tour of Madrid and Segovia with our 30 new best friends from the…Jul 11, 2023Jul 11, 2023
JasmineTo Toledo or Segovia?Both Toledo and Segovia are near Madrid and day-trip cities that are often recommended. If you go on TripAdvisor, you’ll see that there are…Nov 18, 20171
InILLUMINATIONbyAnthony WongAnthony’s Exchange Life in Spain — SegoviaThis is Segovia! Let’s start the travel journey! ❤Oct 11, 2023
Ashwina DMy 5 favourite day trips from MadridYour escape from the busy city bustle to these fairy-tale places is just one hour away!Jul 4, 20231
Laurie LeikerMe Amo MadridAfter the convention in Lisbon Julie and I attended, we booked a tour of Madrid and Segovia with our 30 new best friends from the…Jul 11, 2023
Jason R. MathesonSegovia, SpainA feast for the senses. That’s the only way to properly describe the seductive city of Segovia located 45 miles northwest of Madrid…Nov 18, 20221
InWater Locale Inc.byMicahThe Aqueduct of Segovia is the Lifeblood of the CityA tool for transporting water, or a means of preserving culture?Sep 7, 2020
InThe JunctionbyMatthew de Lacey DavidsonArs longa, vita brevisSonnet © 2020 by Matthew de Lacey DavidsonJun 7, 2020