InGaming Industry Documents for Every Game GenrebyCan Mehmet UYANIKTemplate Concept Document for Serious GamesPrepared for Mayadem Technology library by Can Mehmet Uyanık.Dec 4
Matteo MenapaceGame design as a policy-making methodA game is a playable model of a system. Games create meaning through rules. And what are rules, if not policy?Jun 21, 20237
Emilie MoreauDumb Ways to Die — The effectiveness of a serious gameWritten in November 2021 for my MSc New Media Design at Tilburg University.Sep 18, 2023Sep 18, 2023
Justin Parrigin, M.A.Designing a Mindfulness Adventure for MagiQuestTaking the mold of MagiQuest, a live-action video game, and injecting SEL, mindfulness, and concepts of Ikigai for healthy gameplay.Aug 30Aug 30
Nico KingPedagogy in Games: Exploring the Intersection of Learning Theories and Game TheoriesWe explore the research and frameworks behind pedagogy and how video game theories can enhance learning experiences.Aug 25, 2023Aug 25, 2023
InGaming Industry Documents for Every Game GenrebyCan Mehmet UYANIKTemplate Concept Document for Serious GamesPrepared for Mayadem Technology library by Can Mehmet Uyanık.Dec 4
Matteo MenapaceGame design as a policy-making methodA game is a playable model of a system. Games create meaning through rules. And what are rules, if not policy?Jun 21, 20237
Emilie MoreauDumb Ways to Die — The effectiveness of a serious gameWritten in November 2021 for my MSc New Media Design at Tilburg University.Sep 18, 2023
Justin Parrigin, M.A.Designing a Mindfulness Adventure for MagiQuestTaking the mold of MagiQuest, a live-action video game, and injecting SEL, mindfulness, and concepts of Ikigai for healthy gameplay.Aug 30
Nico KingPedagogy in Games: Exploring the Intersection of Learning Theories and Game TheoriesWe explore the research and frameworks behind pedagogy and how video game theories can enhance learning experiences.Aug 25, 2023
Philip Ebuluofor“How To Protect Yourself Against Racial Pogrom "Humans, the animal in us is getting cruddier each passing year.Aug 19
Sam LibertyHow To Get Your Serious Game FundedSo you’ve got a great idea for serious game. You’re ready to change the world through the power of play. Maybe you even have a working…Jul 3, 20231
InILLUMINATION GamingbyRiceThe Power of Media: Insights from the Game “We Become What We Behold”A cute game that shows circle people and square people lives in harmony, until…May 21