c-nunnetsShifting Focus: From Posture Management to Runtime SecuritySo much focus is on the shift left in the Cloud Security market that it seems to the user to be the only correct approach to solving all…6d ago
Olha Holota from TestCaseLabShift-Left vs Shift-Right Testing Approaches for Manual TestersThe shift-left and shift-right approaches offer manual testers valuable frameworks for improving test coverage, identifying defects…Sep 10
Nelson AlfonsoNavigating DevOps: The Comprehensive Guide to Shift Left and Shift RightBalancing quality, agility, and user satisfaction in the software development lifecycleSep 18Sep 18
InCodeXbyAllie HsuShift-Left Testing and Shift-Right TestingTwo critical strategies aimed at enhancing software quality at different stages of the SDLCSep 157Sep 157
c-nunnetsShifting Focus: From Posture Management to Runtime SecuritySo much focus is on the shift left in the Cloud Security market that it seems to the user to be the only correct approach to solving all…6d ago
Olha Holota from TestCaseLabShift-Left vs Shift-Right Testing Approaches for Manual TestersThe shift-left and shift-right approaches offer manual testers valuable frameworks for improving test coverage, identifying defects…Sep 10
Nelson AlfonsoNavigating DevOps: The Comprehensive Guide to Shift Left and Shift RightBalancing quality, agility, and user satisfaction in the software development lifecycleSep 18
InCodeXbyAllie HsuShift-Left Testing and Shift-Right TestingTwo critical strategies aimed at enhancing software quality at different stages of the SDLCSep 157
Stuart DayContinuous Quality — Shifting in ALL Directions (Part 2)Several months back, in a previous article, I shared my thoughts and ideas about how to achieve continuous quality. At that time I focused…Mar 15, 2023
InEvangelist Apps BlogbyEvangelist AppsOptimizing DevOps Efficiency: Embracing Shift Left and Shift Right MethodologiesShift Left and Shift Right are complimentary DevOps approaches that work to improve software delivery and development by streamlining…Apr 30