David B MorrisLooking At Dexter’s First Season Makes Me Remember Why I Loved It The First TimeA Personal and Cultural RetrospectiveSep 10
Michael FinbergSix Feet Under ReviewBy far one of my favorite series and one of the greatest in the history of television.Jun 10
David B MorrisThe Myths And Reality of Peak TV, Part 2Or Where I Was When The Sopranos DebutedJul 4Jul 4
David B MorrisIf Nothing Ends Any More, Does The Ending Still Matter?Perspective on the Series Finale, Part 1: A History and When The End Started to Matter on TVDec 26, 2021Dec 26, 2021
Christine SelfRewatching Six Feet Under — E 1–4I have long wanted to rewatch Six Feet Under. I have started a couple of times, but never got that far. This time, I am committed to…Jun 11Jun 11
David B MorrisLooking At Dexter’s First Season Makes Me Remember Why I Loved It The First TimeA Personal and Cultural RetrospectiveSep 10
Michael FinbergSix Feet Under ReviewBy far one of my favorite series and one of the greatest in the history of television.Jun 10
David B MorrisIf Nothing Ends Any More, Does The Ending Still Matter?Perspective on the Series Finale, Part 1: A History and When The End Started to Matter on TVDec 26, 2021
Christine SelfRewatching Six Feet Under — E 1–4I have long wanted to rewatch Six Feet Under. I have started a couple of times, but never got that far. This time, I am committed to…Jun 11
InHumungusbyRyan Fan‘Six Feet Under’ Gives Us Permission To GrieveThe classic HBO series introduced me to Nate Fisher, a man who confronted his mortality and survivedApr 27, 20202
David B MorrisCriticizing Criticism Peak TV: What Two Different Books On Peak TV Tells You Shows VERY Different…Part 1: Brett Martin’s Difficult Men Misogyny Does A Disservice To The EraFeb 18