Eric G ReidThe Indie Author’s Guide to Shameless Self-Promotion (Without Being a Jerk About It)Learn how to promote your self-published book and celebrate your indie author achievements without coming across as a bragging jerk. Tips…Mar 27
Eric G ReidWrite The Story Only You Can Tell.If you’re reading this, chances are you have a story to tell. An experience that shaped you, a lesson you learned the hard way, an…Mar 4
Eric G ReidDon’t Seek Perfection, Seek ImpactYou may feel pressure as a first time writer to craft flawless prose right out of the gate. To spend endless hours wordsmithing until your…Feb 16Feb 16
Eric G ReidThe Indie Author’s Guide to Shameless Self-Promotion (Without Being a Jerk About It)Learn how to promote your self-published book and celebrate your indie author achievements without coming across as a bragging jerk. Tips…Mar 27
Eric G ReidWrite The Story Only You Can Tell.If you’re reading this, chances are you have a story to tell. An experience that shaped you, a lesson you learned the hard way, an…Mar 4
Eric G ReidDon’t Seek Perfection, Seek ImpactYou may feel pressure as a first time writer to craft flawless prose right out of the gate. To spend endless hours wordsmithing until your…Feb 16
Eric G ReidBuilding Your Author Community: The Essential Guide for First-Time AuthorsWhy Every New Author Needs a Community and an Email ListJan 25
Eric G ReidThe Mighty Power of “Focusing Questions”Hey there, fellow knowledge seekers! Today, let’s dive into the surprisingly entertaining world of “focusing questions.” Now, I know what…Jan 20