Template TrainAre Your Headlines Crap? Here’s why…First impressions last. We may not feel comfortable with this concept, but whether we like it or not, it applies to so many aspects of our…Mar 11, 2016
Template TrainLayering: An Effective Way to Communicate Your MessageImagine sitting through a presentation where slide after slide has nothing but tons of text crammed in. Fine! That may be exaggerating…Apr 19, 2016
Template TrainPresenters: Mind Your Microphone MannersWe’ve all seen a presentation go horribly wrong due to mic-related issues: its not loud enough, its too loud, theres too much distortion…Mar 1, 2016Mar 1, 2016
Template TrainThe Importance of Symmetry and Asymmetry in PresentationsSymmetry is all around us and is associated with beauty and harmony. It is nature’s way of telling us that something is right and balanced…Apr 28, 2016Apr 28, 2016
Template TrainAudience Seating Arrangement: All You Need To Know…“I saw this show under adverse circumstances-my seat was facing the stage.”May 1, 2016May 1, 2016
Template TrainAre Your Headlines Crap? Here’s why…First impressions last. We may not feel comfortable with this concept, but whether we like it or not, it applies to so many aspects of our…Mar 11, 2016
Template TrainLayering: An Effective Way to Communicate Your MessageImagine sitting through a presentation where slide after slide has nothing but tons of text crammed in. Fine! That may be exaggerating…Apr 19, 2016
Template TrainPresenters: Mind Your Microphone MannersWe’ve all seen a presentation go horribly wrong due to mic-related issues: its not loud enough, its too loud, theres too much distortion…Mar 1, 2016
Template TrainThe Importance of Symmetry and Asymmetry in PresentationsSymmetry is all around us and is associated with beauty and harmony. It is nature’s way of telling us that something is right and balanced…Apr 28, 2016
Template TrainAudience Seating Arrangement: All You Need To Know…“I saw this show under adverse circumstances-my seat was facing the stage.”May 1, 2016
Template TrainText Alignment: Improve Your Presentation Design“I think for a lot of amateurs, their alignment is always out.”Apr 4, 2016