InMuddyUmbyFudgin' PoliticsDon’t Drop the Slinky BatonWent to the Slinky Olympics and all I got was a bronze-plated SlinkyAug 241
Pascal MengeltSlinky doing React the Scala wayTranslating the Intro of the React Tutorial to Slinky / Scala.Nov 3, 2020
Victor KochHow I created the first GIF search engine in the world. Giphy was never first.Many followers will think that the title sounds provocative, since few people know that the first search engine and the largest database…Oct 19, 2023Oct 19, 2023
Isaac MorrisonRemembering my Grandfather CJMy grandfather, Charles “CJ” Swet passed away on Wednesday December 17, 2020. As sad as I am to see him go, the life he lived in his 98…Dec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020
Victor KochMost 7 Frequent QuestionsRecently, I received too many emails that I had to spend almost 4 hours to sort them. I have already answered 25% of them, but a…Jan 22, 2023Jan 22, 2023
InMuddyUmbyFudgin' PoliticsDon’t Drop the Slinky BatonWent to the Slinky Olympics and all I got was a bronze-plated SlinkyAug 241
Pascal MengeltSlinky doing React the Scala wayTranslating the Intro of the React Tutorial to Slinky / Scala.Nov 3, 2020
Victor KochHow I created the first GIF search engine in the world. Giphy was never first.Many followers will think that the title sounds provocative, since few people know that the first search engine and the largest database…Oct 19, 2023
Isaac MorrisonRemembering my Grandfather CJMy grandfather, Charles “CJ” Swet passed away on Wednesday December 17, 2020. As sad as I am to see him go, the life he lived in his 98…Dec 23, 2020
Victor KochMost 7 Frequent QuestionsRecently, I received too many emails that I had to spend almost 4 hours to sort them. I have already answered 25% of them, but a…Jan 22, 2023
Victor KochProduct evolution is the key. Slinky-Teleport-StickeroidReaders may ask, what do these products have in common???Jan 17, 2023
Victor Koch10 years ago I sold my startup for $2.2M and then fall into depression — Slinky StoryFirst of all, I’m glad to post my first article regarding this thread. One of the reasons why I couldn’t write about it is a…Jan 8, 2023