Walmyr FilhoDevelopment, test, performance, staging, canary, production… environmentsHow many should we have?Jan 29, 20203
InTP on CAIbyThomas Packer, Ph.D.Automated Testing and Production DataA Recommendation on How to Mix Production Data with Test-Driven DevelopmentOct 22, 2019Oct 22, 2019
InGavant SoftwarebyAlan C DiStasioThreat Vectors and Software Security: Securing the EnvironmentSecurity of a software application’s environment is critical to keeping user data safe and mission-critical workflows online and running.May 19, 2021May 19, 2021
Walmyr FilhoDevelopment, test, performance, staging, canary, production… environmentsHow many should we have?Jan 29, 20203
InTP on CAIbyThomas Packer, Ph.D.Automated Testing and Production DataA Recommendation on How to Mix Production Data with Test-Driven DevelopmentOct 22, 2019
InGavant SoftwarebyAlan C DiStasioThreat Vectors and Software Security: Securing the EnvironmentSecurity of a software application’s environment is critical to keeping user data safe and mission-critical workflows online and running.May 19, 2021
InTKA.cobyChrysant Celine SetyawanAutomation Integration and Deployment using CI / CDThis article is written as an assignment of Fasilkom UI’s software engineering project course: PPL 2020.Apr 27, 2020
InPDB+RbyDanin SudjonoSoftware Architecture and EnvironmentWhen reading words such as “architecture” and “environment”, you may already know their general meaning. But what do they mean in terms of…Mar 19, 2019
Mahesh Paolini-SubramanyaClimbing The Environment LadderThink about the all the different environments that your product runs in. You probably ran through some variation of the following, no?Sep 11, 2018