FredobabaImpressive New Features added to SolcialIn recent months, Solcial has been updating its users on the newest features. In this article, I’ll go over the recent changes and new…Jan 31, 2023
Fae KryptA REVIEW OF THE LATEST FEATURES OF SOLCIALIt is no longer news that solcial is updating the concept of its platform frequently to fit into the satisfaction of its users. Recently…Jan 29, 2023
Sahil ChaudharyDecentralized Social Networks and Solcial LaunchThe need for decentralized social platforms has risen, seeing the present conditions of traditional web2 platforms. There are a number of…Nov 16, 2022Nov 16, 2022
David Usoro3 ways Solcial increases User’s CreativityCreativity in simple terms would mean coming up with new ideas stemming from a certain thought pattern. The level of creativity of each…Aug 20, 2022Aug 20, 2022
FredobabaImpressive New Features added to SolcialIn recent months, Solcial has been updating its users on the newest features. In this article, I’ll go over the recent changes and new…Jan 31, 2023
Fae KryptA REVIEW OF THE LATEST FEATURES OF SOLCIALIt is no longer news that solcial is updating the concept of its platform frequently to fit into the satisfaction of its users. Recently…Jan 29, 2023
Sahil ChaudharyDecentralized Social Networks and Solcial LaunchThe need for decentralized social platforms has risen, seeing the present conditions of traditional web2 platforms. There are a number of…Nov 16, 2022
David Usoro3 ways Solcial increases User’s CreativityCreativity in simple terms would mean coming up with new ideas stemming from a certain thought pattern. The level of creativity of each…Aug 20, 2022
David UsoroWe are right, social media should be more user-centered, Here’s why.It is a common cliché that social media central authorities know what’s best for its users. Only for a few exceptions, most of the content…Aug 6, 2022
FredobabaYouTube Content Demonetization: The Need for SolcialContent creators and creative designers on web2 social media and other web2 big techs face a lot of depression from working so hard to…Jul 23, 2022