Caren WhiteShould Justice Sotomayor Resign?There is a small window of opportunity to replace her with another liberal justiceApr 13, 202411
Jeremy LeamingDon’t Be Clueless, Supreme Court Justices are Elite PoliticosDespite Their Claims to the Contrary, SCOTUS Justices Wield Savage Political PowerMar 23, 20221Mar 23, 20221
InCraig Martineau WriterbyCraig MartineauWill You Walk With Me a Ways So We Can Talk of These Days?Quotes of famous jurists to help me understandDec 19, 2021Dec 19, 2021
Caren WhiteShould Justice Sotomayor Resign?There is a small window of opportunity to replace her with another liberal justiceApr 13, 202411
Jeremy LeamingDon’t Be Clueless, Supreme Court Justices are Elite PoliticosDespite Their Claims to the Contrary, SCOTUS Justices Wield Savage Political PowerMar 23, 20221
InCraig Martineau WriterbyCraig MartineauWill You Walk With Me a Ways So We Can Talk of These Days?Quotes of famous jurists to help me understandDec 19, 2021
InSlatebySlateSonia Sotomayor’s Lonely Battle to Give the Voiceless a Voice at the Supreme CourtIn two new opinions, the justice continues to provide a small grace to victims of unconstitutional abuses ignored by her colleagues.Apr 20, 20211
Two Saved QueensSay Her Name…RightYou had one job, Justice Sotomayor. One. Job. Get this lady’s name right. And you failed. Spectacularly. It seems simple, like you just…Jan 21, 2021