Herman€200 Fine for using a SpeakerphoneA man was fined €200 for talking loudly on his speakerphone in a train station. Thank you France.Feb 9
Sean SongIntroducing HiDock and Why?Our work and life are integrating like never before. We all need good tools to collaborate no matter where we are: home, office and…Nov 28, 20221
Darren PriceEPOS launches collaborative speakerphone with automatic transcribing | Vic B’Stard’s State of PlayEPOS’ EXPAND Capture 5 draws upon the company’s audio expertise but also offers automatic transcription- overcoming the inherent…Mar 25, 2021Mar 25, 2021
Rob DurhamEnough with Speakerphones in Public!At the risk of sounding like a crotchety old man, there was a time when people used phone booths and closed the door while they spoke. No…Aug 11, 2020Aug 11, 2020
Miru YangWhat even is a speakerphone?A couple years ago, I received a Jabra Speakerphone as a birthday gift after asking for a microphone and a speaker. Initially, I thought…Sep 17, 2019Sep 17, 2019
Herman€200 Fine for using a SpeakerphoneA man was fined €200 for talking loudly on his speakerphone in a train station. Thank you France.Feb 9
Sean SongIntroducing HiDock and Why?Our work and life are integrating like never before. We all need good tools to collaborate no matter where we are: home, office and…Nov 28, 20221
Darren PriceEPOS launches collaborative speakerphone with automatic transcribing | Vic B’Stard’s State of PlayEPOS’ EXPAND Capture 5 draws upon the company’s audio expertise but also offers automatic transcription- overcoming the inherent…Mar 25, 2021
Rob DurhamEnough with Speakerphones in Public!At the risk of sounding like a crotchety old man, there was a time when people used phone booths and closed the door while they spoke. No…Aug 11, 2020
Miru YangWhat even is a speakerphone?A couple years ago, I received a Jabra Speakerphone as a birthday gift after asking for a microphone and a speaker. Initially, I thought…Sep 17, 2019
Leor GreblerFar Field AI ≠ Speaker PhoneI have had some mixed experiences when it comes to Alexa calling. It seems like the placement of my Echo isn’t optimal for voice…Jul 27, 2018