MuthukumarDetecting Voiced, Unvoiced and Silent parts of a speech signalA speech signal in essence is composed of 3 parts — Voiced, Unvoiced and Silent, it is a non stationary wave that keeps varying with time…Mar 19
Milana ShkhanukovaAlignment in TTS (text to speech)If in texts we always work in one modality, with speech, we have two sequences (audio aka spectrogram and text). There is no direct…Oct 15Oct 15
InSciforcebySciforceVoice Biometrics Recognition and Opportunities It GivesIntroductionMay 131May 131
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MuthukumarDetecting Voiced, Unvoiced and Silent parts of a speech signalA speech signal in essence is composed of 3 parts — Voiced, Unvoiced and Silent, it is a non stationary wave that keeps varying with time…Mar 19
Milana ShkhanukovaAlignment in TTS (text to speech)If in texts we always work in one modality, with speech, we have two sequences (audio aka spectrogram and text). There is no direct…Oct 15
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InTurkNet TechnologybyMehmet ali SarsilVoice Activity Detection Methods: Performance Comparison in Telecom CallsBlog Flow:Dec 2
Milana ShkhanukovaIs Wav2Vec an autoencoder? #paper_readingPreamble: Essentially, self-supervised learning helps us understand the nature of a subject. For text, this includes semantics, syntax, and…Sep 21
InAnalytics VidhyabyAnkur DhuriyaWhy Fourier Transform is so important?Fourier transforms is an extremely powerful mathematical tool that allows you to view your signals in a different domain, inside which…Jan 10, 2021