David MostollerSingle Source of truth (SSOT) — like DRY, or better?In my first blog, I discussed the principle of “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) and how it can help us write code that is easier for others…Aug 31
🪄 OZ 🎩Angular Inputs and Single Source of TruthIn this article, I’ll explain why the Single Source of Truth principle should be applied to components’ inputs in Angular.Apr 301
RedRock BPCLeadership Lessons From Calibration Strategy?Discover the Truth, Improve Your Data and Reduce Your Calibration BudgetNov 28, 2023Nov 28, 2023
Sarguru SubramanianThe Optimized Approach in RepositoryThe goal of this article is to be able to fetch the data even if the user has no network connection, but also to avoid useless view…Apr 10, 20232Apr 10, 20232
David MostollerSingle Source of truth (SSOT) — like DRY, or better?In my first blog, I discussed the principle of “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) and how it can help us write code that is easier for others…Aug 31
🪄 OZ 🎩Angular Inputs and Single Source of TruthIn this article, I’ll explain why the Single Source of Truth principle should be applied to components’ inputs in Angular.Apr 301
RedRock BPCLeadership Lessons From Calibration Strategy?Discover the Truth, Improve Your Data and Reduce Your Calibration BudgetNov 28, 2023
Sarguru SubramanianThe Optimized Approach in RepositoryThe goal of this article is to be able to fetch the data even if the user has no network connection, but also to avoid useless view…Apr 10, 20232
MRegina CarvalhoMultiple Versions of Truth (MVOT)We saw in a previous article (here) that “Single Souce of Truth (SSOT)” is an integrative principle applied in the field of data management…Jul 11, 2022
KunMin XuCompletely eliminate mutable boilerplate code for LiveData in Java projects# ForewordJul 5, 2022