BU Intl Human RightsThe Economic Benefits of Resolving StatelessnessStatelessness affects millions worldwide, representing not just a global human rights crisis but billions in untapped economic potential…6d ago
BU Intl Human RightsHow do you prove that you exist? The daily dilemma of stateless peopleImagine being born in a country and living there your whole life but never being able to prove it. You have no birth certificate, no…Dec 24, 20226
Mobin MohananA Glance into Portal Networks: Reclaiming Decentralization in EthereumPortal Networks are being developed as a revolutionary solution, reducing barriers to node participation. Let’s take a sneak peak.Nov 301Nov 301
Kristian OkaThe Obsolescence of Journalistic Objectivity: a Personal Reflection from “The UN Prisoners’…It’s been one year and a half since Penantian Abadi Para Tahanan PBB (The UN Prisoners’ Perpetual Longing) was published, but I can still…Dec 2Dec 2
ChaisomsriStatelessness series — Part4: Exploring the Verkle Trie structure[Table of Contents]Feb 15Feb 15
BU Intl Human RightsThe Economic Benefits of Resolving StatelessnessStatelessness affects millions worldwide, representing not just a global human rights crisis but billions in untapped economic potential…6d ago
BU Intl Human RightsHow do you prove that you exist? The daily dilemma of stateless peopleImagine being born in a country and living there your whole life but never being able to prove it. You have no birth certificate, no…Dec 24, 20226
Mobin MohananA Glance into Portal Networks: Reclaiming Decentralization in EthereumPortal Networks are being developed as a revolutionary solution, reducing barriers to node participation. Let’s take a sneak peak.Nov 301
Kristian OkaThe Obsolescence of Journalistic Objectivity: a Personal Reflection from “The UN Prisoners’…It’s been one year and a half since Penantian Abadi Para Tahanan PBB (The UN Prisoners’ Perpetual Longing) was published, but I can still…Dec 2
Erin AquinoTowards InclusionLessons from the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia on StatelessnessOct 26
Paul ChuangRESTful API: stateless vs. cacheIt seems to be counterintuitive that a RESTful API is supposed to be stateless, but at the same time it can also cacheable. Wouldn’t…Jun 8
Johan LouwersStatelessness for all deploymentsIn the realm of modern cloud-native deployments, the concept of statelessness is fundamental to building systems that are both scalable and…Oct 11