Aaron MarshWho We Are — A Teacher’s Guide To Stereotype ThreatImagine walking into a classroom filled with students from all corners of the world, each bringing their unique background to the table…Dec 7, 2023
Ashikka GuptaEmbracing Inclusion: Why Diversity Hiring is NecessaryLast summer, I secured an internship through a diversity hiring program. When I told my friends about this opportunity, they were happy for…Jan 10, 20231
InHeroic EngineeringbyYuva PeavlerOvercoming stereotype threat in coding interviewsYet another obstacle for women in techFeb 23, 2023Feb 23, 2023
OpenSorceressIf You Passed On Me, Your Interview Process is Garbage — 2And your organization probably is, too.Jan 10, 20222Jan 10, 20222
Patrick HellerAre You Choking Under Pressure?Find out about the surprising link between choking under pressure and memory.Sep 2, 2022Sep 2, 2022
Aaron MarshWho We Are — A Teacher’s Guide To Stereotype ThreatImagine walking into a classroom filled with students from all corners of the world, each bringing their unique background to the table…Dec 7, 2023
Ashikka GuptaEmbracing Inclusion: Why Diversity Hiring is NecessaryLast summer, I secured an internship through a diversity hiring program. When I told my friends about this opportunity, they were happy for…Jan 10, 20231
InHeroic EngineeringbyYuva PeavlerOvercoming stereotype threat in coding interviewsYet another obstacle for women in techFeb 23, 2023
OpenSorceressIf You Passed On Me, Your Interview Process is Garbage — 2And your organization probably is, too.Jan 10, 20222
Patrick HellerAre You Choking Under Pressure?Find out about the surprising link between choking under pressure and memory.Sep 2, 2022
InAffirm Tech BlogbyCristine MarshStereotype Threat in TechAfter my Xth all-male engineering interview panel, I was talking with another engineer about how frustrating this experience was when she…Nov 20, 2020
InAge of AwarenessbyMeghna MiddhaGender Mainstreaming in EducationWe are in 2022 and it is time that teachers and educators facilitate a gender-friendly classroom process.Feb 12, 2022
Christopher MenaAccessing the Inside of the Tent: The Optics of Inclusivity in Music EducationBeing a cisgender Mexican American man who also hovers around the (Q)uiet periphery of the LGBT community has caused me (almost daily) to…May 23, 20202