Spike DolomiteRepublican MobOn Friday, President Biden hit Trump and the MAGA mob right between their evil eyes in his first speech to kick off his campaign at Valley…Jan 88
Phil GarberIn Louisiana, African Americans Need Not Apply For Statewide OfficeA far right Republican trump supporter has been elected governor of Louisiana, leaving the state with the dubious distinction of having the…Oct 19, 2023
Kirk SwearingenThe Baffling Arrogance of the Republican PartyEven if you want to dismantle our democracy, do you want to look this inept?Oct 11, 20236Oct 11, 20236
Phil GarberForget Whataboutism, False Equivalence And Tu QuoqueTu quoque is the best way to describe my reactions over Republicans’ self-serving anger concerning revelations about President Biden’s…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Phil GarberForget the Whatabouts, False Parallels Between Trump And BidenTu quoque is the best way to describe my reactions over the Republicans’ self-serving, bloviating anger about the revelations involving…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Spike DolomiteRepublican MobOn Friday, President Biden hit Trump and the MAGA mob right between their evil eyes in his first speech to kick off his campaign at Valley…Jan 88
Phil GarberIn Louisiana, African Americans Need Not Apply For Statewide OfficeA far right Republican trump supporter has been elected governor of Louisiana, leaving the state with the dubious distinction of having the…Oct 19, 2023
Kirk SwearingenThe Baffling Arrogance of the Republican PartyEven if you want to dismantle our democracy, do you want to look this inept?Oct 11, 20236
Phil GarberForget Whataboutism, False Equivalence And Tu QuoqueTu quoque is the best way to describe my reactions over Republicans’ self-serving anger concerning revelations about President Biden’s…Jan 16, 2023
Phil GarberForget the Whatabouts, False Parallels Between Trump And BidenTu quoque is the best way to describe my reactions over the Republicans’ self-serving, bloviating anger about the revelations involving…Jan 16, 2023
Hank RishelTOMORROW IT BEGINSTomorrow it begins! The Republicans, having won a slim majority in the House, are going to try to get down to business. Until now the newly…Jan 3, 2023
Phil GarberAnti-Semitism Remains Powerful in the Republican World of TrumpFormer president Trump has surrounded himself and made alliances for years with anti-Semites and white supremacists but I don’t believe…Oct 18, 2022