Dennis WolowykProject, Portfolio and management or Project Portfolio Management (PPM)One of the topics we covered is Project Portfolio Management. I have read a book on it (apart of PMI standard) which is called ”Manage…Oct 31, 2019
Dennis WolowykRisk managementFirstly, let’s agree on what the risk is. Or, we can agree that PMI definition of risk is enough to continue —Oct 28, 2019Oct 28, 2019
Dennis WolowykProject, Portfolio and management or Project Portfolio Management (PPM)One of the topics we covered is Project Portfolio Management. I have read a book on it (apart of PMI standard) which is called ”Manage…Oct 31, 2019
Dennis WolowykRisk managementFirstly, let’s agree on what the risk is. Or, we can agree that PMI definition of risk is enough to continue —Oct 28, 2019