Shafik QuoraisheeAdventures in Puzzle Writing — By A New York Times Games EngineerOk so this isn’t a super long story, but I was happy to join the New York Times Games team earlier this year, where I’ve been contributing…Sep 22
The Colour Blog of Motion Mountain(6) Strands explain general relativity and quantum gravityTeaserSep 23, 2023
The Colour Blog of Motion MountainFrom strands to quantum theorySo far, the story summarized how flexible strands of Planck radius imply general relativity, its field equations, black holes, and their…May 11, 2023May 11, 2023
The Colour Blog of Motion MountainWhy we need Planck-sized strandsThe Planck length is the minimum length: it is the smallest measurable length value and the smallest possible measurement error.May 7, 2023May 7, 2023
Richard L. EntrupTrying to Stay Present Meeting Peter Gabriel @ Strand Book StoreAs an artist and a philanthropist, his expert command of musical sound design, the awesome chemistry of his backing band, which includes…Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022
Shafik QuoraisheeAdventures in Puzzle Writing — By A New York Times Games EngineerOk so this isn’t a super long story, but I was happy to join the New York Times Games team earlier this year, where I’ve been contributing…Sep 22
The Colour Blog of Motion Mountain(6) Strands explain general relativity and quantum gravityTeaserSep 23, 2023
The Colour Blog of Motion MountainFrom strands to quantum theorySo far, the story summarized how flexible strands of Planck radius imply general relativity, its field equations, black holes, and their…May 11, 2023
The Colour Blog of Motion MountainWhy we need Planck-sized strandsThe Planck length is the minimum length: it is the smallest measurable length value and the smallest possible measurement error.May 7, 2023
Richard L. EntrupTrying to Stay Present Meeting Peter Gabriel @ Strand Book StoreAs an artist and a philanthropist, his expert command of musical sound design, the awesome chemistry of his backing band, which includes…Nov 15, 2022
Sean VetterMove Over Dewey. Here Comes, Capitalism?I have a single tattoo I got on St. Mark’s Place when I was twenty years old. It’s not uncommon for me to receive compliments on it. This…Jul 11, 2022
InNYU LocalbyMorgan Pryor‘It’s Going to Take a Revolution’: Pandemic Exacerbates Tensions Between Strand Bookstore Owner…Owner Nancy Bass Wyden’s plea for help on social media also brought attention to issues plaguing Strand employees during the pandemic.Dec 10, 2020