Dhananjay KBhagavad Gita: Introduction to a Working PersonSelf-duty (Svadharma), Karma & Karmaphala (actions & consequences), Reincarnation, and Supreme God (Parmatma) in Bhagavad Gita.Feb 15
InDada Bhagwan FoundationbyDada BhagwanWhy do people go to far-off Religious places?Some of the reasons why people travel long distances and go to religious places to pray or to do darshan are:Sep 5, 20231Sep 5, 20231
Sujatha RatnalaDiversity & Bias in OutlookOn Inner pathways, Road Bumps, and UpgradesApr 8, 20221Apr 8, 20221
venkatramananJust DO IT!A narrative on how a small deed made me realise a TRUTHFeb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021
Dhananjay KBhagavad Gita: Introduction to a Working PersonSelf-duty (Svadharma), Karma & Karmaphala (actions & consequences), Reincarnation, and Supreme God (Parmatma) in Bhagavad Gita.Feb 15
InDada Bhagwan FoundationbyDada BhagwanWhy do people go to far-off Religious places?Some of the reasons why people travel long distances and go to religious places to pray or to do darshan are:Sep 5, 20231
Purnam CommunityIshan’s journey to Schumacher CollegeOur very own sustainability champion Ishan, Swadharma alumni from batch 2 has decided to pursue an MA — Engaged Ecology programme at…Jan 29, 2021
Purnam CommunitySwadharma Summer School 2020: An Account“In order to ensure that there is a full-fledged tree in the backyard of the house, care needs to be taken even before the seed is sown in…Aug 30, 2020
InSwadharma AurovillebyPurnam CommunitySwadharma Impact Study Findings 4: CommunityThis post is a part of the reporting of findings from the Swadharma Impact Study. Read the 1st post of the series for context.Aug 25, 2020