Class PlusLuisa’s Cake and the Lesson We All Needed: A Classroom StoryA few years ago, I remember a student telling me, “Teacher, today my mom is sending everyone a cake she made all afternoon yesterday, with…Nov 29
MadiClassroom Management as a Substitute TeacherHow do I manage a group of kids while not knowing who they are, what they’re learning, or how the class is structured? Truth is, it’s hard.Apr 17, 20221
Class PlusWhy Celebrate Men’s Day at School? A Lesson in Equality and ReflectionThere are moments when students surprise us with questions that leave us speechless. I remember one November 19th when one of my students…Nov 16Nov 16
Class PlusSlow Down, Learn Up: Cultivating Patience in the ClassroomMonday morning rolls around, and Noah arrives, as always, excited and ready to tell me about his latest discovery — a video or series he…Oct 26Oct 26
Class PlusLuisa’s Cake and the Lesson We All Needed: A Classroom StoryA few years ago, I remember a student telling me, “Teacher, today my mom is sending everyone a cake she made all afternoon yesterday, with…Nov 29
MadiClassroom Management as a Substitute TeacherHow do I manage a group of kids while not knowing who they are, what they’re learning, or how the class is structured? Truth is, it’s hard.Apr 17, 20221
Class PlusWhy Celebrate Men’s Day at School? A Lesson in Equality and ReflectionThere are moments when students surprise us with questions that leave us speechless. I remember one November 19th when one of my students…Nov 16
Class PlusSlow Down, Learn Up: Cultivating Patience in the ClassroomMonday morning rolls around, and Noah arrives, as always, excited and ready to tell me about his latest discovery — a video or series he…Oct 26
InA Parent Is BornbyDeborah HolménIs Fear Killing Your Child’s Curiosity?How you can raise resilient children who see more than what’s at face value.Feb 4, 2022
Nailufar Afif AlbaryMy Personal Experience as a Teacher in my TwentiesI’m categorized as a Gen Z, and here’s a tips according by my brief experience on my first career as a teacherSep 17
Meggin McIntoshAssign Numbers to StudentsOver the years, I got smarter about keeping up with my students and their assignments. Once I figured out that numbers were easier — and…Feb 25, 2022