Owen Arcega GuerreroAPPRENTICE TECHNICAL LOG DOC IN TEAMCarolina Edith Gómez Muñoz, José Everardo Montes Viera, Owen Arcega Guerrero5d ago1
Mirza Mohammed BaigAI Agent vs GPT: What’s The Difference?What is the Difference Between GPT and an AI Agent?Oct 3
SalonisumanJWT Authentication in NestJS: The Simple SetupAuthentication can be one of the trickiest parts of developing a secure app, but with NestJS, it’s surprisingly simple. I’ve recently…Sep 22Sep 22
InInfoSec Write-upsbyDinidhu JayasingheBasic Pentesting: 1 Walkthrough | VulnhubThis Walkthrough is on Basic Pentesting: 1 Vulnhub Machine made by Josiah Pierce. It includes many remote vulnerabilities and vectors for…Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021
Riya MandalBuilding React University: A Component-Based Web Application Using React.jsIn this blog, I’ll take you through the journey of building React University, a simple yet effective web application that showcases how…Sep 19Sep 19
Owen Arcega GuerreroAPPRENTICE TECHNICAL LOG DOC IN TEAMCarolina Edith Gómez Muñoz, José Everardo Montes Viera, Owen Arcega Guerrero5d ago1
Mirza Mohammed BaigAI Agent vs GPT: What’s The Difference?What is the Difference Between GPT and an AI Agent?Oct 3
SalonisumanJWT Authentication in NestJS: The Simple SetupAuthentication can be one of the trickiest parts of developing a secure app, but with NestJS, it’s surprisingly simple. I’ve recently…Sep 22
InInfoSec Write-upsbyDinidhu JayasingheBasic Pentesting: 1 Walkthrough | VulnhubThis Walkthrough is on Basic Pentesting: 1 Vulnhub Machine made by Josiah Pierce. It includes many remote vulnerabilities and vectors for…Mar 9, 2021
Riya MandalBuilding React University: A Component-Based Web Application Using React.jsIn this blog, I’ll take you through the journey of building React University, a simple yet effective web application that showcases how…Sep 19
Riddhi PandyaHealenium — A self-healing testing framework extensionThis blog will take you through these topics:- 1. What is HEALENIUM? 2. Advantages of using HEALENIUM 3. Setup and Installation 4…Oct 26, 2023
Antonio Alvarez MayoralBreakable Toy: To-Do App. Technical BlogThis technical log covers the thinking process, the strategy and tools used to build a To-do web application from scratch.Sep 20
Riddhi PandyaHow to build a Selenium Maven projectMaven is a central repository for Java-based projects. In this blog, I will show how to build a simple Selenium test project using Maven as…Oct 26, 2023