Telkom DesignBehind the Product: BigBox’s Transformation as AI PlatformRepositioning Telkom’s groundbreaking Big Data service into an AI-driven platform to deliver wide-range customized solutions.Oct 31
Telkom DesignGet Cracking: How Research Insights Drive Crucial Design Changes in NetmonkTake a look at how research plays a big part in driving innovation in Netmonk’s design.Sep 30
Telkom DesignBuilding Visual Identity for Multiple Products: Learn it from Nadhilah AstrinaLearn from Nadhila on how product visual consistency can help users recall the product and make it more trustworthy.Aug 30Aug 30
Telkom DesignGet Cracking: The Rise and Accomplishment of UXW Hub Copy AuditDiscover how UX writers at Telkom Design elevate the copy quality of our products through Copy Audit Project.Jul 31Jul 31
JonteWill Starlink Blow Up Telkom?Elon Musk in a tweet said you will nolonger need a phone number.Aug 27Aug 27
Telkom DesignBehind the Product: BigBox’s Transformation as AI PlatformRepositioning Telkom’s groundbreaking Big Data service into an AI-driven platform to deliver wide-range customized solutions.Oct 31
Telkom DesignGet Cracking: How Research Insights Drive Crucial Design Changes in NetmonkTake a look at how research plays a big part in driving innovation in Netmonk’s design.Sep 30
Telkom DesignBuilding Visual Identity for Multiple Products: Learn it from Nadhilah AstrinaLearn from Nadhila on how product visual consistency can help users recall the product and make it more trustworthy.Aug 30
Telkom DesignGet Cracking: The Rise and Accomplishment of UXW Hub Copy AuditDiscover how UX writers at Telkom Design elevate the copy quality of our products through Copy Audit Project.Jul 31
JonteWill Starlink Blow Up Telkom?Elon Musk in a tweet said you will nolonger need a phone number.Aug 27
Telkom DesignBehind The Product: Revolutionizing Business Communication Through OCA Blast LiteUnravel how OCA Indonesia stretches its wings to escalate and connect SMBs communication through its newest product, OCA Blast Lite.Feb 28
Telkom DesignBehind the Product of Antares Eazy: Navigating Challenges to Create ExcellenceThe story behind delivering an effortless lifestyle through IoT platforms for smart homes, smart offices, and smart mobility.Jun 27
Telkom DesignLearn it From Fadhil Abdhilah: Connecting with People for Personal GrowthMastering networking skills and embracing community involvement to thrive as a UI/UX Designer with Fadhil Abdillah.May 29