InPantheon of FilmbyEric WarrenReview: “Talk to Me” | Diabolical Horror from Down UnderI am not afraid to admit I love a good horror film. Who doesn’t?Jun 17, 20241
Sunil SainiThe Babadook: A Jungian Approach to PsychopathologyOn the Origin and Amelioration of PsychopathologyJun 20, 20231
The Stammering DunceTwo films about trauma (and how the theme heightens my appreciation of them)Also published on Wordpress.Mar 2, 2024Mar 2, 2024
Kelcie MattsonThrough a Mother’s Eyes: The Babadook and Examining Trauma (Women In Horror Series)Mothers get a bad rap in horror movies. They’re either defined as the angelic defender, seen in The Exorcist, The Shining, and Poltergeist…Oct 23, 20161Oct 23, 20161
Tracie ReddickThe Babadook v. Come PlayHow two storybook monsters collided into one unique tale.Jun 15, 2023Jun 15, 2023
InPantheon of FilmbyEric WarrenReview: “Talk to Me” | Diabolical Horror from Down UnderI am not afraid to admit I love a good horror film. Who doesn’t?Jun 17, 20241
Sunil SainiThe Babadook: A Jungian Approach to PsychopathologyOn the Origin and Amelioration of PsychopathologyJun 20, 20231
The Stammering DunceTwo films about trauma (and how the theme heightens my appreciation of them)Also published on Wordpress.Mar 2, 2024
Kelcie MattsonThrough a Mother’s Eyes: The Babadook and Examining Trauma (Women In Horror Series)Mothers get a bad rap in horror movies. They’re either defined as the angelic defender, seen in The Exorcist, The Shining, and Poltergeist…Oct 23, 20161
Tracie ReddickThe Babadook v. Come PlayHow two storybook monsters collided into one unique tale.Jun 15, 2023
James ProssThe Horror Renaissance: A Psychologist of Contemporary NihilismThe incredible emergence of a new horror wave: how it came to be, why it matters, and what it tells us about ourselves.May 2, 2023
Kevin SingerThe Dirty Little Secret of The Black PhoneThe thing I love about speculative fiction (horror, sci-fi, contemporary fantasy) is those stories aren’t just about monsters or spaceships…Jul 14, 2022