Matthew Schott“I’m not sure Americans realize how buried we are …”One of the podcasts I listen to irregularly is “The Daily.” It’s a great podcast and Michael Barbaro does amazing work. But it has gotten…Feb 9, 20221
InCoach’s CarrotsbyCatherine YangPodcasting: A New Form of JournalismI’ve written extensively about the decline of traditional forms of journalism but I haven’t spoken in detail about the new media that have…Oct 5, 2018
InEpitome of Innovation and Technology ManagementbyNorFatihah HamidyTHE DAILYThe Daily was the first iPad-only newspaper owned by News Corporation. It was first introduced in the United States and Australia. The…Oct 23, 2019Oct 23, 2019
Elisa Camahort PageThe Business Roundtable and the Myth of Shareholder ValueWhen Jamia Wilson, Carolyn Gerin, and I were writing Road Map for Revolutionaries, I did a lot fo research for our chapter on “Economic…Aug 21, 2019Aug 21, 2019
Colby DonovanSunday, August 5, 2018Today we have a must listen on quant investing, one of the best financial writers, a different take on willpower, and autonomous vehicles…Aug 5, 2018Aug 5, 2018
Matthew Schott“I’m not sure Americans realize how buried we are …”One of the podcasts I listen to irregularly is “The Daily.” It’s a great podcast and Michael Barbaro does amazing work. But it has gotten…Feb 9, 20221
InCoach’s CarrotsbyCatherine YangPodcasting: A New Form of JournalismI’ve written extensively about the decline of traditional forms of journalism but I haven’t spoken in detail about the new media that have…Oct 5, 2018
InEpitome of Innovation and Technology ManagementbyNorFatihah HamidyTHE DAILYThe Daily was the first iPad-only newspaper owned by News Corporation. It was first introduced in the United States and Australia. The…Oct 23, 2019
Elisa Camahort PageThe Business Roundtable and the Myth of Shareholder ValueWhen Jamia Wilson, Carolyn Gerin, and I were writing Road Map for Revolutionaries, I did a lot fo research for our chapter on “Economic…Aug 21, 2019
Colby DonovanSunday, August 5, 2018Today we have a must listen on quant investing, one of the best financial writers, a different take on willpower, and autonomous vehicles…Aug 5, 2018
Brett A. HurtThe Taxi Driver’s Plight and Internet-Enabled DisruptionOn the way to work this morning, I listened to The Daily, The New York Times podcast hosted by Michael Barbara. This is a typical day for…May 2, 20181
InAlgorithm JambyChenturan AranThe Future of Journalism: Trading Fidelity for LoveEach morning, as though it came from the same divine force that brought the sun up, a tablet was handed down from the clouds into the hands…Dec 4, 2017
Allan GeorgiaThere Once was a White Supremacist Named “Black.”The story Derrick Black shared in his interview with Michael Barbaro for the NYTimes podcast The Daily includes more than a few eye-opening…Aug 22, 2017