InAge of AwarenessbyFrank BreslinThe Classroom of Life Teaches Many Different LessonsQuid quisque posset nisi temptando non didicit. No one knows what he is capable of unless he’s been tested (Seneca, On Providence, 4. 3).May 41
The School of LifeThe Importance of Dancing Like an IdiotDancing has a claim to be considered among the most essential and salutary activities we ever partake in …Jan 3, 202311
The School of LifeHow to Be DiplomaticDiplomacy is an art that evolved initially to deal with problems in the relationships between countries …Oct 19, 2021Oct 19, 2021
The School of LifeOn Professional FailureTo survive in the pressured conditions of modernity, we have to get very good at self-criticism …Nov 1, 2022Nov 1, 2022
InAmateur Book ReviewsbyYousra LembacharBook Review #5: “The Course of Love” by Alain de BottonThe Love story of Rabih and Kirsten past the first days of love, as they navigate the tumultuous years of marriage.Oct 2, 2021Oct 2, 2021
InAge of AwarenessbyFrank BreslinThe Classroom of Life Teaches Many Different LessonsQuid quisque posset nisi temptando non didicit. No one knows what he is capable of unless he’s been tested (Seneca, On Providence, 4. 3).May 41
The School of LifeThe Importance of Dancing Like an IdiotDancing has a claim to be considered among the most essential and salutary activities we ever partake in …Jan 3, 202311
The School of LifeHow to Be DiplomaticDiplomacy is an art that evolved initially to deal with problems in the relationships between countries …Oct 19, 2021
The School of LifeOn Professional FailureTo survive in the pressured conditions of modernity, we have to get very good at self-criticism …Nov 1, 2022
InAmateur Book ReviewsbyYousra LembacharBook Review #5: “The Course of Love” by Alain de BottonThe Love story of Rabih and Kirsten past the first days of love, as they navigate the tumultuous years of marriage.Oct 2, 2021
dalidoThe School of Uneasiness: Sustaining Significance through InconvenienceJohann Wolfgang von Goethe’s insight reverberates through the ages: “How could a man come to know himself? Never by thinking, yet by doing…Oct 23, 2023
The School of LifeOn Needing to Find Something to Worry AboutIt sounds paradoxical and absurd to think that some of us might need to find something to worry about in order to recover our equilibrium …Sep 9, 20222
Frank BreslinThe School of LifeLife often just is, and we have to deal with it without the comfort of an answer key, but simply endure what happens as the animals do…Jul 20, 2023