Adam DrydenADHD and the 34th Verse of the Tao Te Ching:Nourishing Infinite Worlds Without Claiming ThemJul 26
InILLUMINATIONbyRobert ArcherdThe Universal SoulTransitioning from the individual me to the universal meJun 114
InI AM ChristianbyEric ScheskeTherese Lisieux’s Little Way is Exquisitely Post-ModernistIt was post-modernist because it was right hemisphericSep 11, 2023Sep 11, 2023
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyJames BeaufaitMind Tangling TaoOpening my mind to spacious new perspectives, maybe.May 724May 724
Adam DrydenADHD and the 34th Verse of the Tao Te Ching:Nourishing Infinite Worlds Without Claiming ThemJul 26
InILLUMINATIONbyRobert ArcherdThe Universal SoulTransitioning from the individual me to the universal meJun 114
InI AM ChristianbyEric ScheskeTherese Lisieux’s Little Way is Exquisitely Post-ModernistIt was post-modernist because it was right hemisphericSep 11, 2023
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyJames BeaufaitMind Tangling TaoOpening my mind to spacious new perspectives, maybe.May 724
Heart of Tao WellnessComing home to self, over and againI’m finally emerging from some depths of shadow and want to share a bit. There may be little crevices within that may resonate or spark a…Jul 12, 2023
Eric ScheskeThe Shire: Land of the Tao . . . and of Solid Right HemispheresThe Shire at this time had hardly any ‘government.’ Families for the most part managed their own affairs. Growing food and eating it…Jul 10, 2023