RasonatkatotohananThe Trial of True Repentance and Comfort for the Truly RepentantHow can we test ourselves if we are truly repentant? We know that the work of repentance is always accompanied by tears or sadness, so what…Nov 30, 2022
RasonatkatotohananWhy Repent Now?Many people used to say that they are going to make peace with God when they are old and have no more else to be busy with in life or when…Nov 24, 2022
RasonatkatotohananFourth Ingredient of True Repentance — Shame for SinHaving shame is a sign of having true repentance connected to the dictate or conviction of our conscience. To blush is the color of virtue…Oct 26, 2022Oct 26, 2022
RasonatkatotohananSecond Ingredient of True Repentance — Sorrow for SinGrief over sin should be greater than the loss of a loved one or anything else. This is deep and profound. Tears are best used for…Oct 20, 2022Oct 20, 2022
RasonatkatotohananTrue Nature of Pure RepentanceI read that in the Christian life, repentance is not the beginning of being a Christian, it is the Christian life itself, lifelong…Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
RasonatkatotohananThe Trial of True Repentance and Comfort for the Truly RepentantHow can we test ourselves if we are truly repentant? We know that the work of repentance is always accompanied by tears or sadness, so what…Nov 30, 2022
RasonatkatotohananWhy Repent Now?Many people used to say that they are going to make peace with God when they are old and have no more else to be busy with in life or when…Nov 24, 2022
RasonatkatotohananFourth Ingredient of True Repentance — Shame for SinHaving shame is a sign of having true repentance connected to the dictate or conviction of our conscience. To blush is the color of virtue…Oct 26, 2022
RasonatkatotohananSecond Ingredient of True Repentance — Sorrow for SinGrief over sin should be greater than the loss of a loved one or anything else. This is deep and profound. Tears are best used for…Oct 20, 2022
RasonatkatotohananTrue Nature of Pure RepentanceI read that in the Christian life, repentance is not the beginning of being a Christian, it is the Christian life itself, lifelong…Oct 14, 2022
RasonatkatotohananThomas Watson’s Doctrine of RepentanceThe following is borrowed from Thomas Watson’s “Doctrine of Repentance”. This is old but gold imagine this is written in 25th of May 1668…Oct 11, 2022
Ajin AbrahamHurt and Affliction: When there is no end in sight.By now, you’ve heard the Will Smith slap loud and clear in your living room and replayed to stirring emotional effect.Jul 10, 2022
Mickey MellenMake More MistakesThis is kind of a riff on my recent post failures faced by Michael Jordan and others, but it has more to do with making mistakes.Nov 20, 2020