Peter AyatAweil Traffic police recorded 15 death and over 80 disable in accidentsWriter: Peter AyatJun 25
Hitesh SinglaFined 1000 Bucks For Seat Belt Violation, And I Was Wearing It.January 24, 2021Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
Fernandes Cannon AntonyVultures waiting for their Prey!The motto of Bengaluru City Police is ‘We serve, we protect”. One of the specialized units of Bengaluru police is their traffic police…Nov 25, 2021Nov 25, 2021
InNetive.inbyNetive News PortalMajor Changes in Thane Traffic RoutesTraffic Police have decided to re-establish Circular WayJul 6, 2018Jul 6, 2018
Peter AyatAweil Traffic police recorded 15 death and over 80 disable in accidentsWriter: Peter AyatJun 25
Hitesh SinglaFined 1000 Bucks For Seat Belt Violation, And I Was Wearing It.January 24, 2021Mar 15, 2021
Fernandes Cannon AntonyVultures waiting for their Prey!The motto of Bengaluru City Police is ‘We serve, we protect”. One of the specialized units of Bengaluru police is their traffic police…Nov 25, 2021
InNetive.inbyNetive News PortalMajor Changes in Thane Traffic RoutesTraffic Police have decided to re-establish Circular WayJul 6, 2018
Misoi AlvinWhats going on in Kenyan RoadsLet’s take a minute and imagine the horror episode seconds before a traffic head-on collision. First is the sudden sharp brakes, second…May 31, 2017
InIndian National InterestbyPranay KotasthaneHyper multi-objective optimisation: the bane of policymakingMay 1, 2015