Ricardo ZegriTweed, Gin and Toilets — An Interview with Mr. B the Gentleman Rhymer(originally published on Mind Equals Blown on August 29th 2016)May 23
Husnah Mad-hyMaking sense of TweedismLarry Lessig talks about this guy called Boss Tweed — He said Boss Tweed doesn't care who does the electing as long as he does the…Nov 14, 2021
Your Grandad's ClothesShoulder Pads — From the 80’s to Old LadiesA constant example in my life that serves as its own reminder of the fragility of fashion trends and its tenuous grasp on the reality of…Mar 16, 20222Mar 16, 20222
InOld PinkbyRandall RadicTweed Debuts Polished, Hypnotic ‘Moves’Philly’s livewire electro-rock outfit Tweed recently released their debut album, Moves.Mar 26, 2020Mar 26, 2020
Ricardo ZegriTweed, Gin and Toilets — An Interview with Mr. B the Gentleman Rhymer(originally published on Mind Equals Blown on August 29th 2016)May 23
Husnah Mad-hyMaking sense of TweedismLarry Lessig talks about this guy called Boss Tweed — He said Boss Tweed doesn't care who does the electing as long as he does the…Nov 14, 2021
Your Grandad's ClothesShoulder Pads — From the 80’s to Old LadiesA constant example in my life that serves as its own reminder of the fragility of fashion trends and its tenuous grasp on the reality of…Mar 16, 20222
InOld PinkbyRandall RadicTweed Debuts Polished, Hypnotic ‘Moves’Philly’s livewire electro-rock outfit Tweed recently released their debut album, Moves.Mar 26, 2020
TailormanThis The Season For TweedsDespite the abundance of new fabrics in the market, there are some fabrics we return to over and over again. Come winter, and you may see…Nov 29, 2019
InAlbanachbyRev. Mr. Matthew NewsomeFeeling The Need for (Harris) Tweed!Matthew Newsome, GTS, ©2006Jul 21, 2016