Olexandr FranchukInformation technologies and human communitiesThe nature of the influence of information technologies on the development of human communitiesOct 4
Sagar BijweFusion of Two AIoTs (Ambient, Artificial IoT)Today, Internet of Things (IoT) has been able to connect variety of “things” to internet targeting numerous applications and when I think…Nov 10
ShrutimukthaHow Ui ux is relevant to ubiquitous computing and information ambiance?Computing over the yearsJun 7Jun 7
JoannesuhandeniputriUbiquitous Computing — Smart City 3.0Now the technological infrastructure to support ubicomp has arrived, UX designers need to think about how they are going to design…Aug 21, 2023Aug 21, 2023
InPractical AgilistbyBrian LinkI Want My Ubiquitous Computing Already…Agile like AI is a tool that should disappear into the backgroundMay 28May 28
Olexandr FranchukInformation technologies and human communitiesThe nature of the influence of information technologies on the development of human communitiesOct 4
Sagar BijweFusion of Two AIoTs (Ambient, Artificial IoT)Today, Internet of Things (IoT) has been able to connect variety of “things” to internet targeting numerous applications and when I think…Nov 10
ShrutimukthaHow Ui ux is relevant to ubiquitous computing and information ambiance?Computing over the yearsJun 7
JoannesuhandeniputriUbiquitous Computing — Smart City 3.0Now the technological infrastructure to support ubicomp has arrived, UX designers need to think about how they are going to design…Aug 21, 2023
InPractical AgilistbyBrian LinkI Want My Ubiquitous Computing Already…Agile like AI is a tool that should disappear into the backgroundMay 28
InDigital ShroudbyAhmed NassarYou should understand the evolution of the Camera Phone.The overlooked societal and technological influence of the camera phone.May 11, 2020
InDigital ShroudbyJustin DanielPat Hanrahan: A Revolutionary in Computer Graphics and RenderingDec 5, 2023
InDigital ShroudbyDillon McHenryThe Power of Musical WearablesAs we inch further towards Mark Weiser’s original vision of ubicomp devices that are indistinguishable from our environment, we’ve seen a…May 18, 20222