Frank BreslinWhy Value Judgments Cannot be ProvenBelow are five reasons why it is claimed that classical music is better than popular music. An objection follows each reason. How would you…Oct 7Oct 7
Frank BreslinStandardized Testing: A Self- ContradictionDid it ever strike you as odd that the foundation on which standardized testing is based is a self-contradiction? Standardized testing…Aug 14, 2023Aug 14, 2023
Melodi HolagoHow Valuable Are You?I think the important thing is what you measure it against. Most people define their self-worth relative to others. Are you one of them? If…Aug 13Aug 13
Frank BreslinWhy Value Judgments Cannot be ProvenBelow are five reasons why it is claimed that classical music is better than popular music. An objection follows each reason. How would you…Oct 7
Frank BreslinStandardized Testing: A Self- ContradictionDid it ever strike you as odd that the foundation on which standardized testing is based is a self-contradiction? Standardized testing…Aug 14, 2023
Melodi HolagoHow Valuable Are You?I think the important thing is what you measure it against. Most people define their self-worth relative to others. Are you one of them? If…Aug 13
Ted DavisDo We Value Our Values?As companies and organizations expand their efforts to build trust in their brand/product/ services/mission, more and more are committing…Jul 18
InGain InspirationbyJose R Paz CWhen Dealing with Value issues: Do Research and Reflect on your Findings“It’s not what we don’t know that gets us in trouble. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” Mark TwainJul 101
InAge of AwarenessbyFrank BreslinThe Charlatan Answers Life’s Big QuestionsInterviewer: I wish to spirit you away now to the rarefied realm of celestial metaphysics by having you respond to yet another reason why…Apr 30