InVerasitybyVerasityVerasity (VRA) Exchange Listing on BitMax.ioFor the first time ever in crypto history, an exchange listing is to be celebrated with a Play & Win Tournament in Verasity GameStore! The…Apr 21, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityVerasity Launches VRASplash App for AndroidMeet the new VRASplash app for your android phone. Download the VRASplash app onto your mobile to receive crypto news and ads on your lock…Mar 31, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityVerasity GameStore ReleaseWe have landed! Phase 1 of Verasity GameStore has finally arrived, and we can’t wait for you to try it out. We understand that the current…Mar 25, 2020Mar 25, 2020 Launch — Destination Portal for access to all Verasity ProductsVerasity is proud to launch, our new Destination Portal that provides quick and easy access to ALL our Verasity products in…Mar 25, 2020Mar 25, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityVerasity Partners with Transak to Power Fiat Gateway and Credit Card (Fiat-to-Crypto)Verasity announces its partnership with Transak to power its fiat gateway and credit card fiat-to -crypto deposits from within Verasity’s…Mar 23, 2020Mar 23, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityVerasity (VRA) Exchange Listing on BitMax.ioFor the first time ever in crypto history, an exchange listing is to be celebrated with a Play & Win Tournament in Verasity GameStore! The…Apr 21, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityVerasity Launches VRASplash App for AndroidMeet the new VRASplash app for your android phone. Download the VRASplash app onto your mobile to receive crypto news and ads on your lock…Mar 31, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityVerasity GameStore ReleaseWe have landed! Phase 1 of Verasity GameStore has finally arrived, and we can’t wait for you to try it out. We understand that the current…Mar 25, 2020 Launch — Destination Portal for access to all Verasity ProductsVerasity is proud to launch, our new Destination Portal that provides quick and easy access to ALL our Verasity products in…Mar 25, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityVerasity Partners with Transak to Power Fiat Gateway and Credit Card (Fiat-to-Crypto)Verasity announces its partnership with Transak to power its fiat gateway and credit card fiat-to -crypto deposits from within Verasity’s…Mar 23, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityFiat to VRA Payment Gateway Integrated into VeraWalletFiat to VRA payment gateway integrated into VeraWallet (VRAB will be available mid April)Mar 23, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityAdvertiser Partnership Update“…it definitely solves an existing problem of the current ad market…the potential of Verasity and its unique approach to programmatic ads…Mar 2, 2020
InVerasitybyVerasityVerasity’s High Viewer Engagement & Adoption StatisticsIt happened! Verasity has proved its value to publishers by dramatically increasing viewer engagement and video views on their site…Feb 3, 2020