Lidia ZuinVilém Flusser’s Brazilian Vampyroteuthis InfernalisThe Czech-Brazilian philosopher Vilém Flusser is the author of Vampyroteuthis infernalis, a book originally published in German in 1987 and…May 29, 2015
PedrovdesignI’m as much a programmer as youThe “sertão”(hinterland) will turn into the sea and the sea will turn into the sertão, just like the designer will become a programmer and…Aug 9, 2020Aug 9, 2020
Lucas Sanches LimaWhen vultures start to killWould it be an unfathomable feat to have a gen-whatever not be coerced by the machinations of marketing and its hype culture and trains…May 23, 2020May 23, 2020
Chris StaufferConcerning FunctionArchitect Louis Sullivan coined the widely influential phrase “form follows function” in his work The Tall Office Building Artistically…Oct 30, 2015Oct 30, 2015
Lidia ZuinVilém Flusser’s Brazilian Vampyroteuthis InfernalisThe Czech-Brazilian philosopher Vilém Flusser is the author of Vampyroteuthis infernalis, a book originally published in German in 1987 and…May 29, 2015
PedrovdesignI’m as much a programmer as youThe “sertão”(hinterland) will turn into the sea and the sea will turn into the sertão, just like the designer will become a programmer and…Aug 9, 2020
Lucas Sanches LimaWhen vultures start to killWould it be an unfathomable feat to have a gen-whatever not be coerced by the machinations of marketing and its hype culture and trains…May 23, 2020
Chris StaufferConcerning FunctionArchitect Louis Sullivan coined the widely influential phrase “form follows function” in his work The Tall Office Building Artistically…Oct 30, 2015