Syed Masood HussainWhat if Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower was Completed?What would the world be like if electricity ran through the air like Wi-Fi runs today through walls, if all those cables and wires were…Nov 201
David RubinoNew Age of Auto Tech: Wireless HarnessesWelcome back to my series on the new age of automotive technology. Last time I gave an intro to the space and how I’m thinking about it…Aug 26, 2020
Charle DavisPowering the Future without Wires: Wi-Fi of ElectricityImagine a world where your phone charges automatically as you walk into a room, your electric car refuels wirelessly while parked in your…Feb 26Feb 26
Ian SaundersWireless Electricity has the Power to Change the World & It’s On Its WayImagine a world where electricity could be sent wherever it was needed in seconds. What if I told you this wasn’t all that far removed from…Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021
InFront Row Ventures BlogbyMinalou Kunze--RoelensBehind the Deal — AWL-ElectricityAt Front Row Ventures, we make it our mission to back Canada’s most promising student founders in their aims to revolutionize practices…Feb 27, 2021Feb 27, 2021
Syed Masood HussainWhat if Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower was Completed?What would the world be like if electricity ran through the air like Wi-Fi runs today through walls, if all those cables and wires were…Nov 201
David RubinoNew Age of Auto Tech: Wireless HarnessesWelcome back to my series on the new age of automotive technology. Last time I gave an intro to the space and how I’m thinking about it…Aug 26, 2020
Charle DavisPowering the Future without Wires: Wi-Fi of ElectricityImagine a world where your phone charges automatically as you walk into a room, your electric car refuels wirelessly while parked in your…Feb 26
Ian SaundersWireless Electricity has the Power to Change the World & It’s On Its WayImagine a world where electricity could be sent wherever it was needed in seconds. What if I told you this wasn’t all that far removed from…Jun 15, 2021
InFront Row Ventures BlogbyMinalou Kunze--RoelensBehind the Deal — AWL-ElectricityAt Front Row Ventures, we make it our mission to back Canada’s most promising student founders in their aims to revolutionize practices…Feb 27, 2021
Leor GreblerSharing Power With FamilyOver the weekend, a family member came to me with phone troubles. There was no cable for her iPhone. What to do? I found another cable…Jan 27, 2020
Leor GreblerNear Field ElectricityI’d been hoping by now that we’d have more powerful, longer distance Qi-type power sources. Several years ago, I remember seeing the Qi…Jan 18, 2020
Zubair TalibWireless PowerLike many before me, I’ve been fascinated with wireless power and the prospects of leading a battery free, charger free life. There have…Nov 5, 2019