Juri Rischel JensenUsing Ansible and AWX to deploy VMs on XenserverThis article builds upon my previous one, “Using Ansible to automate VM creation on XenServer.” This time we deploy Ansible AWX (Open…Feb 26, 20181
Veneraldo ApeloAlternative Approach to Xen server, Centos7 Guest OS ?Photo by Florian Krumm on UnsplashMar 28, 2023Mar 28, 2023
Juri Rischel JensenUsing Ansible and AWX to deploy VMs on XenserverThis article builds upon my previous one, “Using Ansible to automate VM creation on XenServer.” This time we deploy Ansible AWX (Open…Feb 26, 20181
Veneraldo ApeloAlternative Approach to Xen server, Centos7 Guest OS ?Photo by Florian Krumm on UnsplashMar 28, 2023
Ryan OberfelderCPU Affinity: Shooting Arrows into the StormApplications live and die by their response times. Google thrives on its map reduce search speed, Amazon on the provisioning speed of AWS…Apr 28, 20181
Veneraldo ApeloThe Emperor’s New CentOSThe moral of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is that people should be willing to speak up if they know the truth, even if they think that…Mar 29, 2023
InStorPoolbyKat TemelkovaWatch the recording from the webinar “How to migrate to a new-age IT stack with KVM”On the 12th of May StorPool had the pleasure to gather many IT specialists and cloud builders on our Webinar: How to migrate to a new-age…May 18, 2020