Jagad Nabil Tuah ImandaRevamp your C.O.D.E.Hello everyone, today I’ll tell you about my mentor fellowship workshop experience. First thing first, what is Mentor Fellowship? Mentor…May 7, 2023
HidjrahanifCritical Thinking using Question Formulation Technique (QFT)Nowadays, we often hear about critical thinking, then what is critical thinking? How important is it in our life?Apr 11, 2022
Amanda Syifa AriqohCritical Thinking with QFTGenerasi Gigih 2.0 — Soft Skill ClassApr 11, 2022Apr 11, 2022
Nabila FathimatuzzahraCritical Thinking with QFT #siGIGIHLast week, I learned about Critical Thinking with QFT in Softskill Class. QFT or Question Formulation Technique is a process for…Apr 10, 2022Apr 10, 2022
Jagad Nabil Tuah ImandaRevamp your C.O.D.E.Hello everyone, today I’ll tell you about my mentor fellowship workshop experience. First thing first, what is Mentor Fellowship? Mentor…May 7, 2023
HidjrahanifCritical Thinking using Question Formulation Technique (QFT)Nowadays, we often hear about critical thinking, then what is critical thinking? How important is it in our life?Apr 11, 2022
Nabila FathimatuzzahraCritical Thinking with QFT #siGIGIHLast week, I learned about Critical Thinking with QFT in Softskill Class. QFT or Question Formulation Technique is a process for…Apr 10, 2022
Maryam SHow Feedback Impact to Growth YourselfFeedback is only part of our life. Giving and receiving feedback can lead to action that made you GROW or change as a person. It just…Apr 4, 2022
Amanda Syifa AriqohTime Management? Set an Accurate Deadline? How to Deal with That?Generasi Gigih 2.0 — Soft Skill ClassMar 29, 2022
Muhammad Shiddiq FathullahHello, This is My Personal Branding!This is my second writing in the Generasi Gigih 2.0 program. In a previous article, I explain my adaptation to this program. So on this…Mar 23, 2022