Aaron SundayWeb 2 or Web 3? (the major differences)Since inception a lot of people have shown nothing but to embrace the motion of web 3 being better than web 2. In this article we are going…Mar 2, 2022
Ezimorah TobennaThe difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0Hey there, hope you had a great day. Bet you made the most of your day. Remember not to spend all the salary now, spend wisely because…Mar 1, 2022
Mark AjuwaMajor Differences between Web2 & Web3First, let us briefly describe what is meant by Web2 & Web3;Mar 1, 2022Mar 1, 2022
MaderonkegabrielGoals for frontend internship program**Achievement by the end of 8 weeksAug 17, 2021Aug 17, 2021
Emmanuel ObiechinaJavascript backend programming - Zuri InternshipFirst I would like to thank the Zuri team for setting up this internship program and giving me the opportunity to be part of this…Aug 17, 2021Aug 17, 2021
Aaron SundayWeb 2 or Web 3? (the major differences)Since inception a lot of people have shown nothing but to embrace the motion of web 3 being better than web 2. In this article we are going…Mar 2, 2022
Ezimorah TobennaThe difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0Hey there, hope you had a great day. Bet you made the most of your day. Remember not to spend all the salary now, spend wisely because…Mar 1, 2022
Mark AjuwaMajor Differences between Web2 & Web3First, let us briefly describe what is meant by Web2 & Web3;Mar 1, 2022
Emmanuel ObiechinaJavascript backend programming - Zuri InternshipFirst I would like to thank the Zuri team for setting up this internship program and giving me the opportunity to be part of this…Aug 17, 2021
Temitope TijaniBefore I begin my HNG internship journey, let me keep you updated about my design career journey…I’m Tijani, a chemist and Human Resources Manager. I started my career in tech after a deep conversation with a very close friend. I wasn’t…Aug 17, 2021
Ayobami OmolusiMY GOALS FOR HNG INTERNSHIP9th July, 2021 was the day a friend sent me a link to register for HNG Internship program. This, she did being aware of my passion for tech…Aug 16, 2021
Edward ObohHNG Internship 8 is hereInternships are a great way to sharpen one’s skill, broaden one’s knowledge and gain some experience along the way. As a developer, the…Aug 16, 2021