In百日書寫計畫 Hundred-Day Writing ProjectbyKim Shieh#1 萬物皆有始 Everything Has a Beginning (w/ English)“The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point.” — MárquezJul 26
ZodiacTrader兵者,善诱者胜。Shape of Lies,Eternal EclipseQuand l’ennemi fait un faux mouvement , il faut se garder de l’interrompre ~Napoleon BonaparteMar 24
Nanako柏林日記:沙漠月光最近有時間就繼續畫畫,想寫寫目前為止的心得。本篇看似跟柏林生活沒有關係,不過正是因為生活在這座城市,創作的動力才會湧上來,我是這樣認為的。May 1, 2023May 1, 2023
破殼實驗室 Perk Artlab為什麼大膽走上全職畫家之路呢?在廣告公司工作一段時間後,身心都有些疲憊,很希望能夠不受別人影響的創作出屬於自己作品。這股慾望,就像火山裡的岩漿一樣越滾越燙,終於在去年英國封城期間暴發出來…May 28, 2021May 28, 2021
In百日書寫計畫 Hundred-Day Writing ProjectbyKim Shieh#1 萬物皆有始 Everything Has a Beginning (w/ English)“The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point.” — MárquezJul 26
ZodiacTrader兵者,善诱者胜。Shape of Lies,Eternal EclipseQuand l’ennemi fait un faux mouvement , il faut se garder de l’interrompre ~Napoleon BonaparteMar 24
破殼實驗室 Perk Artlab為什麼大膽走上全職畫家之路呢?在廣告公司工作一段時間後,身心都有些疲憊,很希望能夠不受別人影響的創作出屬於自己作品。這股慾望,就像火山裡的岩漿一樣越滾越燙,終於在去年英國封城期間暴發出來…May 28, 2021
Debby ChangThe Power of Daily Writing“Could you please stay at Taipei for college and take care of our family?” Mother went from the hospital, curling up on the…Jul 10, 2020
Inayellowbeanby一粒漂泊中的黃豆I remember…I was introduced with Joe Brainard’s work on the first lesson of my creative non fiction writing course. He was an American artist and…Jan 14, 2020