【每日時事學英文】English Daily【英文時事導讀】2020五大資安危機,你心中的有上榜嗎?The 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Trends In 2020 Everyone Should Know About — ForbesMay 15, 2020
Slience Black海洋公園,不再「香港人的公園」 Ocean Park, Not “Park of Hong Kong people” Anymore此文章以包含中英文版本,英文不好,請多多包涵。This article includes both Chinese and English version, please forgive my poor English.Jan 14, 2020
In信報財經新聞 HKEJby信報財經新聞Donald Trump or Xi Jinping: Who will win the new Cold War?STRAIGHT-SHOOTING│褚簡寧 Michael ChuganiAug 2, 2018Aug 2, 2018
In信報財經新聞 HKEJby信報財經新聞Does Carrie Lam have a Hong Kong dream for Hong Kong?STRAIGHT-SHOOTING│褚簡寧 Michael ChuganiJul 5, 2018Jul 5, 2018
In信報財經新聞 HKEJby信報財經新聞Does Carrie Lam have the guts for drastic property measures?褚簡寧 Michael Chugani│STRAIGHT-SHOOTINGApr 26, 2018Apr 26, 2018
【每日時事學英文】English Daily【英文時事導讀】2020五大資安危機,你心中的有上榜嗎?The 5 Biggest Cybersecurity Trends In 2020 Everyone Should Know About — ForbesMay 15, 2020
Slience Black海洋公園,不再「香港人的公園」 Ocean Park, Not “Park of Hong Kong people” Anymore此文章以包含中英文版本,英文不好,請多多包涵。This article includes both Chinese and English version, please forgive my poor English.Jan 14, 2020
In信報財經新聞 HKEJby信報財經新聞Donald Trump or Xi Jinping: Who will win the new Cold War?STRAIGHT-SHOOTING│褚簡寧 Michael ChuganiAug 2, 2018
In信報財經新聞 HKEJby信報財經新聞Does Carrie Lam have a Hong Kong dream for Hong Kong?STRAIGHT-SHOOTING│褚簡寧 Michael ChuganiJul 5, 2018
In信報財經新聞 HKEJby信報財經新聞Does Carrie Lam have the guts for drastic property measures?褚簡寧 Michael Chugani│STRAIGHT-SHOOTINGApr 26, 2018
In信報財經新聞 HKEJby信報財經新聞Taiwan Travel Act fits pattern of Trump’s egomaniaIn late February, the US Congress passed the Taiwan Travel Act, which is aimed at facilitating exchange and dialogue between senior…Mar 26, 2018