Jennifer ZengManagement of Sinopharm Vaccinated in March 2020 國藥董事長曝高層一年前打疫苗 衆問:毒株哪來的? — Jennifer’s WorldRecently, Yu Qingming, a delegate to the National People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China and the party secretary and chairman…Mar 9, 2021
Evan Conning 伊凡空穴來風:細探中共於武漢肺炎之訪言與假賬譯民間記者會報告: Ringing Hollow: A Synthesised Review on Why a Distrust of Communist China Is Justified, From a Liberalist PerspectiveMay 3, 2020May 3, 2020
食光光 EmptyplateActionHK【惜食食譜】香蕉朱古力奶昔 Banana Chocolate Smoothie (Video)這段時間,因為武漢肺炎關係,我很少外出,多會留家吃飯,買餸的次數和數量亦多了。為免積存過多食物,我會定時檢查雪櫃,快過期/爛掉/上一餐剩下的食物,會快快「整嚟食」。Apr 28, 2020Apr 28, 2020
kayue閱讀清單(2020–04–08)這段時間應該很多人都長時間留在家,以下是我近來讀過(而且有印象)的一些文章,有興趣的話可以去讀,順便打發時間(我也是因為放假才有空記錄)︰Apr 8, 2020Apr 8, 2020
Jennifer ZengManagement of Sinopharm Vaccinated in March 2020 國藥董事長曝高層一年前打疫苗 衆問:毒株哪來的? — Jennifer’s WorldRecently, Yu Qingming, a delegate to the National People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China and the party secretary and chairman…Mar 9, 2021
Evan Conning 伊凡空穴來風:細探中共於武漢肺炎之訪言與假賬譯民間記者會報告: Ringing Hollow: A Synthesised Review on Why a Distrust of Communist China Is Justified, From a Liberalist PerspectiveMay 3, 2020
食光光 EmptyplateActionHK【惜食食譜】香蕉朱古力奶昔 Banana Chocolate Smoothie (Video)這段時間,因為武漢肺炎關係,我很少外出,多會留家吃飯,買餸的次數和數量亦多了。為免積存過多食物,我會定時檢查雪櫃,快過期/爛掉/上一餐剩下的食物,會快快「整嚟食」。Apr 28, 2020
kayue閱讀清單(2020–04–08)這段時間應該很多人都長時間留在家,以下是我近來讀過(而且有印象)的一些文章,有興趣的話可以去讀,順便打發時間(我也是因為放假才有空記錄)︰Apr 8, 2020
台灣人權促進會(Taiwan Association for Human Rights)公衛危機中,如何保障公民權Protecting Civil Liberties During a Public Health CrisisMar 19, 2020
Jennifer ZengI Met the Virus, He Told Me His Plan 我遇到了病毒 它说出了下一步的计划 — Jennifer’s WorldBy Xia Wen | 文:夏闻Mar 21, 2020