InPopSound|西洋音樂誌byZD制牘〈Pure Imagination〉橫跨半世紀的想像力之旅滿載許多人的童年回憶,初代電影開場配樂〈Pure Imagination〉成了各種連結想像力的影像經常搭配改編的背景聲音Apr 21, 2017
In我不是貓byBruce CatLives Being Water in a Inhospitable World: An Eco-cinema DriftAs people call this planet Earth, it reveals mankind’s preference of the land to the ocean and river. After all, human beings are not…Nov 3, 2021
waina有人問我文學改編的電影2011年的午夜‧巴黎是目前覺得最有原創性的文學電影了! 午夜‧巴黎這部電影最棒的是,它引起三間獨立出版社的聯合企畫 出版了10本關於文豪海明威與費茲傑羅的小說、評論及書信集 企畫在此…May 16, 2017May 16, 2017
In我不是貓byBruce CatThis is Not a Film in Film Festivals: A Postmodern Iranian film from Cannes to HKIFFI examine the interaction among film festivals, national politics and film; and the political implications of international film festivalSep 4, 2021Sep 4, 2021
InPopSound|西洋音樂誌byZD制牘〈Pure Imagination〉橫跨半世紀的想像力之旅滿載許多人的童年回憶,初代電影開場配樂〈Pure Imagination〉成了各種連結想像力的影像經常搭配改編的背景聲音Apr 21, 2017
In我不是貓byBruce CatLives Being Water in a Inhospitable World: An Eco-cinema DriftAs people call this planet Earth, it reveals mankind’s preference of the land to the ocean and river. After all, human beings are not…Nov 3, 2021
waina有人問我文學改編的電影2011年的午夜‧巴黎是目前覺得最有原創性的文學電影了! 午夜‧巴黎這部電影最棒的是,它引起三間獨立出版社的聯合企畫 出版了10本關於文豪海明威與費茲傑羅的小說、評論及書信集 企畫在此…May 16, 2017
In我不是貓byBruce CatThis is Not a Film in Film Festivals: A Postmodern Iranian film from Cannes to HKIFFI examine the interaction among film festivals, national politics and film; and the political implications of international film festivalSep 4, 2021
InDesktop Of SamuelbySamuel WongDocumentaries watched, 2020 Jan — Mar EditionOne of my year resolution over the last couple of years was to watch more documentaries. Why? Documentaries are fun and informative, it’s…Apr 5, 2020
In音樂是這世界上最美好的事by林貓王進入我懷裡:After Life看麂皮紀錄片,才知道黑色喜劇高手 Ricky Gervais 原來是他們前經紀人。 從十五年前的影集《頭號小ㄎㄚ》開始愛上他的尖酸刻薄,到了這齣網飛影集《終極後人生》,他依舊不改本性,挖苦人不遺餘力。 但我每看一集哭一集。…Dec 9, 2019
In🥃 DrinkbyKyle Chu 微風捕手🍋✨ 檸檬酒,咖樂迪 咖啡廣場 IL LIMONCELLO in KALDI COFFEE FARM store, Taiwan感謝安卓布洛迪在電影《情慾三重奏》(Third Person)精湛的演技,檸檬酒總是我在任何商場努力尋找的那瓶酒。Dec 1, 2019