Dia J黃寶欣經典<I’m Your Friend, I’m Your Lover> Lyrics English TranslationIf you are not happy at midnight full of thoughts don’t swallow all the worries and sorrows alive Please let me know Why bury your inner…Aug 16, 2023Aug 16, 2023
InGlass Onion音樂筆記by鄺頌婷 Heidi KwongMy Bonnie: Room307’s latest single on elusive romanceThe dreamy outfit Room307 released his latest single, My Bonnie, illustrating an elusive relationship with cassettes and a subdued…Jul 18, 2020Jul 18, 2020
Jennifer ZengLyrics: The World Has Abandoned Me | Dedicated to Chained Mother of Eight 歌詞:不要我了 | 為徐州八孩母親發聲 —…Lyrics/Music: Daxiong Translated into English by Jennifer Zeng 詞曲: 大雄 英文翻譯:曾錚Feb 19, 2022Feb 19, 2022
Dia J黃寶欣經典<I’m Your Friend, I’m Your Lover> Lyrics English TranslationIf you are not happy at midnight full of thoughts don’t swallow all the worries and sorrows alive Please let me know Why bury your inner…Aug 16, 2023
InGlass Onion音樂筆記by鄺頌婷 Heidi KwongMy Bonnie: Room307’s latest single on elusive romanceThe dreamy outfit Room307 released his latest single, My Bonnie, illustrating an elusive relationship with cassettes and a subdued…Jul 18, 2020
Jennifer ZengLyrics: The World Has Abandoned Me | Dedicated to Chained Mother of Eight 歌詞:不要我了 | 為徐州八孩母親發聲 —…Lyrics/Music: Daxiong Translated into English by Jennifer Zeng 詞曲: 大雄 英文翻譯:曾錚Feb 19, 2022
InMissYanExpressiveArtsTherapy & MusicEducatorby殷琦獲取資格:香港教育大學音樂教育文學碩士(EduHK — MAME)獲取資格:香港教育大學音樂教育文學碩士。Qualification: Master of Arts in Music Education (the Education University of Hong Kong — EduHK MAME).Nov 30, 2021
InMissYanExpressiveArtsTherapy & MusicEducatorby殷琦獲取資格:香港大學專業進修學院音樂治療深造文憑(良好)(HKU SPACE — PGDMT) (MERIT)獲取資格:香港大學專業進修學院音樂治療深造文憑(良好)。(HKU SPACE — PGDMT) (MERIT).Nov 30, 2021
Music and Story Magazine【甚麼是音樂?甚麼都是音樂】疫情反覆,長期在家的日子再次降臨。近代美國作曲家約翰凱吉 (John Cage),在發表驚世之作《4’33”》(1952) 後八年,用《Water Walk》(1959) 提醒家庭觀眾,哪怕足不出戶,音樂就在身邊。Aug 7, 2020