[Summary] Open Forum Series by Tagion: Web 3.0, Stablecoins, Open Finance

Roxana Nasoi
9 min readMay 6, 2020

Tagion Open Forum series is initiated by Roxana Nasoi, Chief of Strategy at Tagion/i25s ApS. The series consists of live chats happening every 2 months in the Tagion Telegram Chat, with reputable guests and community members. The main purpose is to have quality conversations and understand what the pain points are, the solutions, and what can be improved in existing systems. The first Tagion Open Forum took place on March 27th and March 28th, lasted for 3hours each day, between 3 PM and 6 PM UK time. If you would like to take part in the next session (scheduled for the end of May 2020), please reach out to Roxana at [email protected] The Web 3.0 series looked at the 2 major value propositions:
Day 1. Scaling Existing Web 2.0 & Promises of Web 3.0 (in Permissionless or Permissioned Systems)
Day 2. Economies of Scale — New Paradigms such as Crypto Economics in Global Context

Summary Day 1: Scaling Existing Web 2.0 & Promises of Web 3.0

Date & Time: Friday, March 27th, 3 PM — 6 PM UTC.


Participants Count: 20.

We refer to Web 3.0 as open-source, intelligent, interconnected systems, unified…



Roxana Nasoi

Privacy Advocate. C-Level. Business and Technology Strategist. 10yr+ building & incubating companies in the digital economy space. Tedx and Keynote Speaker.