Promotional Video. Avoid the 5 errors that make your video flopped

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3 min readOct 25, 2018

5 errors that make your company’s commercial video flopped

An advertising video is effective marketing that your business can also enjoy.

We know all the typical mistakes companies make with video marketing. Read what pitfalls you need to avoid.

Error 1: You spend too little time preparing your promotional video

Many people are too busy! But it’s a pity because it’s impossible to make a successful video without good preparation. At our film production house in Delhi we actually spend more time preparing the recording than standing behind the camera.
First, we’ll talk to you about your business, your customers and your product. Together we find where the video should be recorded and how the message should be formulated. This ensures that the recipient actually receives the message that supports your company’s sales. The preparation also saves a lot of time behind the camera. Simply fewer recordings must be made before the video can be completed and sent out.

Error 2: You focus on the business — not the viewer

We see too many videos from companies. The problem is that the video is about the viewer too much and too much about the company. It will quickly get tired of the crowd. In an advertising video, do not tell the entire company’s history or immerse yourself in detail about the product. You must contact the reader in your form and tell how the product can solve a problem for him.

Error 3: Your video is too long and weaving

Too many videos will never end because they are too long.
Patience is short online, so come to the case and get delivered the message immediately!

Error 4: You think the same video can be used everywhere online

You’re wondering where it’s best to share your company’s video.
Of course, that depends, of course, on who you want to reach with the company’s message. But you can easily edit the video footage to get more finished videos that fit different social media. It costs a bit extra, but the investment is worth the money as the video reaches many more.

For example, if you want to show the video on Facebook and YouTube, the Facebook video must be shorter than the YouTube video. The difference is that viewers have different expectations: When your viewer logs on Facebook, he comes to see his friends’ updates.

But on YouTube, he expects to watch videos. The patience with your video is a bit bigger, and therefore it may be a bit longer. In addition, Youtube film that can keep viewers longer organic reach, which means that Youtube shows your movie to more.

Error 5: You do not spend time and money distributing the video online

When the video is ready, it should reach the audience! But unfortunately, the joy is often too short. All too often the video is allowed to collect spider web on the website when it is randomly shared here and there online. That does not have to be. With a good strategy and little money for ads, the video creates traffic and customers over and over again.

And remember, here again, that the strategy is well thought out and that there is coherence. A fantastic movie without marketing behind is not seen by anyone. But on the other hand, “shit” is also no better to spread — if you understand what I mean.

5 tips for video production that create sales in your business

  • Begin well in advance. You can not produce an advertising video 2 days before product launch. We recommend that you contact us at least 2–3 months before your video is ready for sharing. So YES, we produce Christmas movies in August, and edit summer vacation in December ….
  • Remember, the viewer will play the lead role in the video.
  • Go to the case with a short and accurate message.
  • Select media in advance so that we can customize the movie exactly for the biggest effect. Also consider whether you want more versions of the same video to reach further.
  • Put a marketing strategy so the commercial video creates traffic — also in the future.

