Hello, world!

Arun Tangri
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2017
Team behind the wonderful idea of TagTaste

It’s an absolute pleasure to finally reveal what we’ve been working on for over a year — TagTaste, the world’s first online community for food professionals to discover, network and collaborate with each other.

Quick Background

It’s no secret that the food & beverage industry is changing at an unprecedented rate. Generational changes are transforming consumption patterns; millennials and generation-Z are more likely to eat out and invest in experiences over material assets like houses; and they’re also far more health conscious than previous generations. As a result, start-ups that focus on nutritious and organic products are popping up everywhere, and industry mammoths are sourcing new ideas by investing in smaller companies to keep up with consumers who are no longer happy with their traditional formulae.

If there’s ever been a time to collaborate and innovate in the food industry, it is now. Talent and good food are still the main components of success, but chefs, restaurants, hotels, food suppliers and farmers are all hampered by the lack of connections. There’s no easy way to communicate with each other. For example, it’s difficult for a Mumbai-based chef to know about an organic tangerine farmer in Himachal Pradesh — even if that’s exactly what the chef is looking for. As much of the world’s business continues to shift online, most of the food industry is still conducting business offline.

Getting seamless access to food professionals and their knowledge, talents and ideas is still a challenge. That’s exactly why we’ve created TagTaste!

Our Research

Raj Varman (CEO, Burger King India) visit to our office

As we started developing TagTaste, we wanted to see just how helpful a good network can be in facilitating professional collaborations. So, we helped a number of companies and professionals with their food-related problems.

Over the past 10 months, we’ve met with countless chefs, farmers, food entrepreneurs, companies, restaurant/hotel operators, master chefs, government regulators, members from the Sector Skill Council which oversees the Indian food industry, as well as foreign embassies and companies, and last but not least, NGOs involved in the food business.

So far we’ve worked with:

  1. A national restaurant chain to create and market frozen versions of their famous curries,
  2. A national hotel operator that needed help sourcing equipment and ingredients to launch a dining service at their properties,
  3. Organic farmers who were looking for big buyers for their fruit — and through TagTaste struck deals with large hotel chains with properties across the country.

We didn’t just stop at facilitating such collaborations. We went further and incorporated our learnings into our platform’s design as well.

Team TagTaste & our partner agencies at OYO Townhouse

Our Team

Building this platform would have been difficult without a team that struck the right balance between diverse backgrounds and relevant industry knowledge. We’ve managed to build exactly such a team over the last year and hope to grow as we go.

Our team currently features designers, coders, architects, entrepreneurs, chefs, students, artists, writers and professional investors. Every bit of experience counts.

Our co-founder & CEO, Jaspal Singh Sabharwal presenting TagTaste to Spanish companies at an event organized by the Spanish Embassy & FIFI

Today, we are launching the beta version of our platform. Please register here to get exclusive access to TagTaste, and help us build our platform into a vibrant community.

Team TagTaste :)

PS: Subscribe to our blog to keep up with what we’re brewing.



Arun Tangri

Entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, Delhiite and completely in love with life. :)